Naughty Dog Deserves To Spring Leaks Forever (The Jimquisition)

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No one single developer deserves to have their game leaked, and it should not happen to them. Some companies deserve the undermining and embarrassment that leaks bring, however.

Naughty Dog is still reeling from a massive content leak for The Last of Us Part II, a leak that gave away pretty much the whole story and showed off a bunch of gameplay not intended for public witnessing.

At first it was thought the leak came from within, revenge by an angry developer who was sick of Naughty Dog’s working practices, but that is allegedly false. In the wake of discussion over the leak’s source, however, one important point has been drowned out – those aforementioned working practices.

Naughty Dog isn’t just a company riddled with crunch. It’s a leading example. And it deserves to be shamed.



  2. It's not what you think

    Reminds me of working at Konami.
    “The overtime this weekend isn’t mandatory, just don’t expect to have a job after if you don’t show up”.
    Good times.

  3. Jim: Talks about leak and company behavior, but not about the content of the leak

  4. Kingramennoodle

    as much as I’m sick to death of the joker, Jim would totally make a great adam west type joker. or maybe a “mad hatter”? hahahahahahaha….. im dead inside

  5. Sony: “Nooo, my Naughty Dog would NEVER do that, he’s a good boy!”

  6. Proceeds to Sneeze

    The Last of Us 2 may be the worst golf game ever made.

  7. Daniel Schroedinger

    Funfact: “Schreier”, as in “Jason Schreier” litterally translates to “screamer” 😀

  8. Can we go back to when games kept getting pushed back instead of exhausting workers to death?

  9. Anyone who argues that high quality games requires crunch is a walking baby who values their toys more than people’s dignity.

  10. “I’m only showing you a bit of sausage!” -Jim Sterling, 2020

  11. 9:33 easiest choice in the world.

    I don’t have time to play all the poorly pieced-together paltry pathetic playthings they pump out at their precipitately prompt pace. They can slow down. make a good game and stop making these vapid gameplay and story games with hyper detailed brown and dirty worlds that are up their own ass so much about graphic fedelity with out anything behind it. if the game is pretty but it isn’t fun, make a painting or a movie, make a game fun.

  12. “Cheap, fast, good – pick any two”

    If you want a good game fast (or for a specific, unavoidable deadline) it ain’t gonna be cheap – hire more staff
    If you want a good game cheap, don’t expect it to hit those timescales, or at least be clear that it’s flexble.
    If you want it cheap and fast, then don’t bother getting the staff, treat them like shit, and push buggy crap out of the door. See Bioware/Anthem.

    It’s incredibly basic project management (and general life) knowledge, but it’s amazing how few project managers understand it, or even recognise it.

  13. Is it just me or is Jim Sterling the closest thing workers in the Gaming Industry have to a union?

  14. I take real issue with the whole, “we didn’t force anyone to do anything” stance. While that’s technically true, I’m sure the project managers would say things like, “we need to work as hard as we can to meet this deadline” and then your co-workers are staying late, and it just becomes this unspoken thing..everyone else is doing it, so I want to be a team player and not lose my job, so’s implied, and it’s wrong from an employer stand point to make that the precedent.

  15. Princess Ozzina

    When Jimothy makes a joke and the battle music from Lost Odyssey (The true Final Fantasy XIII) starts playing.

  16. Naughty Dog: “Who are we to stop them from overworking?”

    Atleast make them breakfast…

  17. I’d rather games just take longer to come out, I can wait

  18. Slackware community: When’s the new version getting released?
    Slackware developers: When it’s ready.

    This is how it should be everywhere.

  19. Generic Gmail Account

    These companies love “passion” except when it comes to pay for it.

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