The Video Game Walkthrough – Scott The Woz

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Scott gets help.

Music Used:
“World Map” from Donkey Kong Country
“Collection Room” from Sonic Generations
“Sanctuary” from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
“Mario Stadium” from Fortune Street
“Brinstar” from Metroid
“Town Theme” from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
“Game Select” from Super Mario All-Stars
“Athletic Theme” from Super Mario World
“Mystic Cave Zone” from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
“Fun House” from Mickey Mousecapade
“Title” from Tetris DS
“Cool, Cool Mountain” from Super Mario 64
“Seaside Hill (Classic)” from Sonic Generations
“Techno de Chocobo” from Final Fantasy VI
“Door Into Summer” from Knuckles’ Chaotix
“Breakout” from 3D Dot Game Heroes


  1. “Everybody makes mistakes, just look at everybody” – Scoot

  2. Scott crosses another part off of his bucket list:
    -defend E.T. for the Atari 2600-

  3. @Deuce Moncura 🙁

  4. My little baby is all grown up so fast

  5. Aw man my hair cut look kinda like his

  6. All other People: Anything they can say About this Video
    Me: “Oh Wow, Scott’s got a New Haircut!”

  7. 15:05 Might be one of my favorite Scott skits ever just because of how accurate it is

  8. 10:10 – You saying this reminded me… Prima’s strategy guide for Wind Waker included a guide for Ocarina of Time in the back.

    The whole thing. All of OoT, in about 13 pages. It’s _extremely_ condensed, covering ONLY what you need to beat the game and any incidental collectibles that happen to be in dungeons, featuring no elaboration on anything and the maps are as barebones as possible, and yet… the incredibly basic point-to-point guide is exactly what helped me beat OoT for the first time.

    It was actually sick, because the super simple descriptions that just point to certain areas and say “hit switch,” “defeat miniboss and head downstairs,” “hover boots to go through wall” were kind of a fun way to sort of meet the guide halfway on figuring a lot of things out, rather than making me feel like I was told EXACTLY how to do everything.

  9. Legend has it that Game Fan Mike ended up getting a game over because he didn’t pause the game while he was talking about Raid Shadow Legends.

  10. 15:06 Not to mention the video will be 10+ minutes to something that can be solved in under a couple of minutes.

    • And one of the top comments is a timestamp to the heplful part of the video, with the rest of them being some variation of “Omg thank you this helped so much)

  11. My playthrough of Baba is You has made me realize my idiot status.

  12. Your Sexualized Grandparents

    16:42 Disappointed you aren’t playing Breakout at your funeral. Whoever planned this funeral belongs in that coffin.

  13. @Random Cat god yeah
    Baba is You is one of the most interesting and unique games I’ve ever seen so I bought it even if I wasn’t gonna be good at it, to show the guy who made it some support. But damn I didn’t realise quite how bad I’d be at it. I think I’ve solved about 2 problems without looking up the solution for at least some of it. Like sometimes I’ll just watch the first few moves to give me a clue and it’ll always be an “ohhhh I didn’t know you could do that”. The game really blows and bends you mind with that. But it means it’s unlike any other puzzle game, any experience you have with other puzzle games is useless in baba is you.

    Really it’s more like a game of interactive riddles. The riddles being the semantic kind. Like if two guys are in a boat but lost their matches to light their cigarettes, how do they light them? They throw a cigarette out of the boat, to make it a cigarette lighter. Like that is the kind of thinking you have to use, thinking that humans aren’t very good at because it’s not about reality, it has no use in reality so it’s not something we evolved to have, it’s just all these little riddles that make no sense except in the context of it being a riddle and words having more than one meaning. In the real world the boat doesn’t turn into a cigarette lighter. The solutions in baba is you seem so simple in retrospect but half the time you didn’t even realise that was something the game would let you even do, as it seems to block a lot of things that actually would work and solve the puzzle in favour of “no, there’s only one solution, you can’t come up with your own, try again”

  14. Me: alright I’m gonna go for all of the koroc seeds blind!-
    *12 seconds later*
    How to find all koroc seeds…

  15. 10:54 “It was all instant”
    Me: *dial-up internet noises*

  16. 15:05 people that make 10 minute videos for a tutorial that takes 1 minute to explain and the rest of the 9 minutes is plugging themselves. Thank you for acknowledging that

  17. “It’s hard to describe your situation.” googling your car problems in a nutshell

  18. There’s honestly a part of me that enjoys imagining strategy guides as a form of preservation on how to play games, just like how the Library of Congress is a preservation of any and all information. So that way if the internet collapses and the world is thrown into chaos at least I’ll have the Kingdom Hearts strategy guide to tell me how to find all those damn dalmatians.

  19. Meanwhile, college is just the most expensive way.

  20. Boy that sure would have been Helpful for Hbomberguy. I wonder if he knew it existed.

  21. @jedimasterpickle3 SF actually was what I was thinking of re:formatting. The site hasn’t changed in that regard at all in at least 10 years, and while it’s serviceable it’s a pain on mobile and that guide in particular forces you to click through to every character to find out tea preferences. I can figure out answers in the minigame well enough on my own, but the favorite teas aren’t necessarily something you can figure out using clues the game gives you. Ideally I would like a spreadsheet that’s easy to access and read through at a glance.

  22. @Tom Hill I have ad-block, but I don’t play games in the same place where my computer is, so I usually use mobile to look for information. The appeal of a guidebook is ease of access, both in terms of visual information and literal portability.

  23. @Rising Sunfish I see. I’ve only used it for 3H, but I’ve found the page very helpful. I’ve rarely tried it on mobile since I haven’t needed to, but it’s a fair criticism. I think my problem with SF is that it doesn’t seem to have map data anywhere that I’ve noticed.

  24. Sans gaming, you might say it was *gol-[(REDACTED)]*

  25. Physical strategy guides still exist…

  26. Flash browser escape-the-whatever games for me. I don’t think ive beaten a single one without checking the walkthrough

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