Hypnospace Outlaw – Wild Wild Web (Jimpressions)

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Jay Tholen (Drops The Clown) returns for a unique take on late 1990s web design. You play as an enforce for the titular Hypnospace, taking down content and policing a Geocities nightmare.

It’s an authentic, intriguing game of detective work, and I quite like it!


  1. JIM!! We need to do something! Article 13 passed!! D:

  2. Absolutely adore the concept and the execution of this game. An example of a Kickstarter game that fully delivered on its promise!

  3. Just Some Guy without a Mustache

    So the game is basically a YouTube employee simulator?

  4. I actually finished this game the other day, epilogue and all. Did not expect to feel an immense wave of sadness after it ended

    Thank God for Jay Tholen (and Jim too)

  5. Article 13 Simulator.

  6. should I have taken drugs for this?

  7. Thought i would leave a comment before the EU takes the video and my comment down.

    Hold on someone is at the door………

  8. This captures the weirdness of the 90s like nothing I’ve ever seen.

  9. I miss the Old Internet Now.

  10. I did this for an actual job a few years ago. lol It’s honestly not terribly different from what it was like, but it’s so much more colorful than my tools were haha

  11. But does it make the Dial-up noise?

  12. I’m glad that this is getting the attention it deserves.

  13. Game play aside, it looks like a fairly accurate representation of how the Internet looked in the early 90’s. It was a flashy, poorly compressed mess absolutely filled with copyrighted material, scams and viruses.

    We loved every fuckin’ moment of it.

  14. This reminds me of something Lucas Pope might make. Glad to see other people making weird stuff like that.

  15. more moderating in the video than the platform the video is on lol

  16. Getting a strong “Papers, Please” vibe from this. Looks awesome though.

    Remember to buy it from Itch so the publisher gets more money, everyone!

  17. forgot Her Story was a game and thought you were talking about Granny Cream’s story for a sec

  18. I am shocked Devolver Digital didn’t publish this.

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