SMITE – Top 5 Plays #183

Join Inuki for the Top 5 Plays of the week! Submit your Top 5 Plays to be featured on the show:


  1. *Friday just get so much better.*

  2. Lovin’ the Skyrim reference! <3

  3. When you’re coming back to Smite after 2 years and you have no idea what is going on anymore xD

  4. oh smite, miss beta

  5. Them xba eyes though

  6. 1:44 that Mercury is me whenever I try to gank

  7. So no more console plays?

  8. Console plays?

  9. Idk about that number 1, I mean he was just auto attacking ppl who were not even aiming for him. They were all trying to kill sobek they forgot about about him and well his 2 and 3 are aoe attack pretty much so yep.

  10. Why is the top play xbal pressing 3.

  11. Ok, if you complain about the quality of the plays this time, you just have no idea whats happening. These are good

  12. 2:10 we won that game 2v3, the adc was afk and it was his promo to master lmao (I am imaleks btw)

  13. glad to be your top 2 w/ Kin, ty Inuki <3

  14. Disclaimer: This is not me talking for or against using non-gendered pronouns, I don’t wish to start a dissusion of whether or not you should/shouldn’t do this in general

    That being said: I sometimes find it hard to follow along in your shout-casting (which is a shame because you are really doing a good job) when you use “they”. I find myself assuming you mean “the team” or “the two of them” most of the time, but when I go back over some clips it’s apparent that you are in fact talking about the player on a specific god. Maybe you could try using the gendered pronoun for said god instead? Who knows, might get even messier 😛

    In any case this is not a huge deal at all, it’s just something that keeps making me rewind clips a lot so I thought I would mention it ^^

    At the end of the days the videos and the shout-casting is very entertaining, so gj and keep on rocking 🙂

  15. Todd Howard?

  16. Zane (Ragin_Pacifist)

    Hi Rez I love smite but you should let me balance your game for you ?

  17. Am I the only one that thinks the Nhe Zha ult was an absolute fluke? I tried looking for a ward somewhere in the area where merc was coming through, but nothing. It just looked like he was just trying to run away until “Oh hey, an almost dead jungler walked into me”.

  18. Hirez i am really tired of your matchmaking time i cant find a single game in 25 min are there no one playing the game on ps4, i am really disappointed.

  19. How many of these godam top 5 plays is gonna have a scylla in it… Srsly scylla barely takes any skill to play

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