Underhero – It’s Not Undertale But It Is Underrated (Jimpressions)

Underhero is a fun platforming RPG that puts players in the boots of a faceless mook attempting to subvert his evil overlord. It’s quite good indeed!


  1. PizzaVictory1/Ultimate fish

    Is this on PS4 because I want to try it

  2. Looks beautiful, but the length and slow pace of basic fights is testing my patience just watching. Are there a lotta fights?

  3. Demo???? What is this demo thing you speak of?

  4. Undertale is overrated.

  5. the battles are monster rancher and mother 3 in one

  6. It’s not underwear either

  7. This is the most earnest and non-cynical video from Jim in a long time.

    Game looks like really adorable too with a fun Mario RPG style battle system. Will add to wishlist.

  8. Stevenator Bensonica

    This reminds me of super paper mario a bit

  9. There is something you need to look into Sterling, in warframe and its not pretty. When some scammers buy plat to trade with and then chargeback after giving it to other people the person that currently has the plat gets the plat taken away (no they don’t get their items back from said bad trade) and if plat goes into the negative they get banned until they buy said negative plat (even if they were innocent and got ripped off) someone needs to talk about this cause DE refuses to do anything no matter how many people it hits doing this that did nothing wrong but trade with other people.
    Edit:wow this is blowing up, another scum thing that happens if said charge backer buys anyone a gift in warframe they (gift receiver) also get charged for the plat amount of the gift if said person gets their money back

  10. Yeah, this definitely would have slipped through my radar. Looks quite charming.

  11. This reminds me of when Teslagrad came out, and there was another game with Tesla in the title coming out too.

  12. I cruised passed this game on the store, because I thought it was an undertale rip.

    But its actually a super paper mario rip!

  13. You’re gaining way too much EXP, Jim. Sans will destroy you.

  14. 4:29 Is that a reference to battleblock theatre or is that just me?

  15. I always love getting that email ‘Jim Sterling has posted a new video!” Makes my entire day better!!! 🙂

  16. Glad this game is going to get more recognition thanks to your video Jim, it really is a fun indie title that has been (As you say) very under the radar. In the game’s original Indiegogo campaign I think about twenty people actually donated, myself being one of them. I’ve been following the Dev ever since though and although he hasn’t had much luck promoting the game it’s clear he was really passionate about it.

  17. What’s the point of having a platformer if you’re going to slam on the brakes and do turned-based combat? Just sounds like filler between fights…

  18. “fun combat” you say as an unremarkable fight takes like 30 seconds.

  19. What about underrail, that games really good but no one seams to know of it.

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