Seriously Though, Fuck Black Ops 4 (The Jimquisition)

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is basically despicable and Activision Blizzard is the worst. At least until another publisher takes it place in the rotation.


  1. I don’t know who that older lady is who you get to say “live services”, but she deserves a raise.

  2. Just a reminder that today’s Infinity Ward lost *every single* person of importance from MW1-2 Infinity Ward when the lawsuit happened. Not enough people realize this. I’m not talking key people the entire company was restaffed.

  3. It’s getting more and more inexcusable why these games are being sold for top price and aren’t F2P. You want a years long, monetised service? Then make it F2P.

  4. AWWWW yeah! 😀

  5. Am I the only one seeing that Donkey Kong cartoon everywhere after Dunkey’s video on it?

  6. Remember money? It was that thing we used to have left over after purchasing a single triple A game.

  7. AssOps 4 : Penis Edition

  8. Anyone noticed how the color palette on the new COD is more saturated and colorful? Clearly trying to appeal to Fortnite crowds.

  9. MoonKnight/Real2911

    Thank god they didn’t do this bullshit with the Spyro and Crash remakes or they would be on fire. They know COD fans aren’t as lethal

  10. They raise the price per customer because they keep losing so many customers. What they can’t grasp is that this BS is a big reason why they are losing customers.

  11. Sooo without single player campaign, why call it black ops? Black ops meant a storyline, but without that…

  12. Who even buys these games?

  13. Thank you Jim… Thank you for saying “Cringeworthy” instead of “Cringe” or “Cringey” … I am so sick of “Cringey” being used on the ‘net. People were so lazy that they decided to make up a word instead of checking Google to see if we already had one… couldn’t be bothered to take 15 seconds out of their day to check Google…
    And scarily, when I type “Cringeworthy” it doesn’t come up as a word… gets the squiggly red underline… stupid American spellcheck default really irks me. I wish it would just stay on the default English-English settings.

    Also, fuck Call of Duty and thank god for you.

  14. “Have the confidence of 4 old men sharing porn in a restaurant”

    Is my new life motto

  15. LakeVermilionDreams

    Yeah, never again buying anything COD. I was a sucker for the MW Remastered, and have so much shame for it…

  16. Soooo, the game is too expensive to make, thus they add in plastic and metal junk to the high tier editions… all of which costs… more money to make.

  17. EA’s next racing game is going to be called The Need for Greed.

  18. I love the rant at the end with people walking by like “why is this angry brit wearing a top hat”

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