Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 Season Pass Demands Ransom From Customers

Because Activision Blizzard can never get sleazy enough, the full Black Ops 4 experience costs at least $100, as the content is tied to a season pass which is tied to the special editions.

Keep on Activisioning, you horrible creatures.


  1. And now Call Of Duty goes the way of THPS

  2. In The Mind of Kibara

    *eyeroll* Not surprised.

  3. The time has come, they know people are not buying COD as much as they used to, so they need to squeeze the last penny before the game is no longer a thing.

  4. and there was people thinking “maybe if they remove the campaign they will give more stuff and a better experience for their 60 bucks”

  5. Faraaz Saiduzzaman

    God, this really does have everything, doesn’t it. Microtransactions, multiple currencies, DLC (now gated off completely behind a season pass), multiple expensive versions with random stuff packed in, a lack of content (is it still multiplayer only???), this honestly might be the peak of all garbage. Not looking forward to Anthem trying to outdo this madness.

  6. there you go, extra credits. You said we should be paying more than $60, here it is.

  7. Let’s hope Black Ops 4 will flop this year. I mean it can’t be more anti-consumer than that.
    People, if you want a game with similar gunplay and level design with COD, just download Ironsight.
    Activision doesn’t deserve your money.

  8. I feel bad for all of the mothers who have their children ask them for this game.

  9. In my country its 3x this price. Yeah fking awesome

  10. Fan-boy: “But it has battle-royale, that’s worth full price even without single-player! Who plays single-player only anyway?”
    Reasonable Gamer*: As much as play multi-player only.

    Fan-boy: “Microtransactions are there to help support post-release content. You get free content, stop complaining!”
    Reasonable Gamer: Yet they still charge for post release content, and since it’s an online only the season pass is essential!

    Fan-boy: “It’s extra content, you can’t expect to get it for free!”
    Reasonable Gamer: Isn’t that what the microtransactions are supposed to support?

    You’re getting a freemium game for $100 at this point. I don’t know if they could even make a game worse than this! Oh wait, Destiny 2 exists!

  11. Lets not forget, a season pass sells no made content. So if they abandon the game for bad sales, then you paid a premium atop the one you already paid for the premium edition, and all that amounted to a pile of ash. The AAA industry is truly garbage right now. Oh well, real games like Cyberpunk 2077, Nioh 2, MHW and great indies are the ones who will get my money. Whatever Activision, EA and Ubisoft have been developing these past few years does not register as video games in my book.

  12. Charging more money for less content; that’s the Activision I know and hate!

  13. There's a starman waiting in the sky

    I’m surprised COD is still relevant. I thought people stopped giving a shit about the series years ago but I guess I was wrong.

  14. As long as folks buy the scat, the companies will keep pooping it out. Why diesn’t Jim do a full episode dedicated to “you are the problem” to the players ?

  15. *There’s no such thing as full game without SP campaign.*

  16. “Not only have we gotten rid of single player, but we’ve upped the price too!”

  17. Now days everything sucks, so better get used to eating $hit, it’s the only thing you could ever afford on the menu, and even if you are richer, $hit is the only thing to order. And what makes things worse is how anyone could tolerate such atrocious $hit is beyond me. An advise for gamers JUST GO RETRO.

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