Valve Endorses AIDS Simulator

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Valve need to grow up and accept that you’re responsible for – and inevitably endorse – the things you sell on your store.

As AIDS Simulator – yes it’s real – readies itself for a Steam release, Valve’s affirmed its commitment to selling – and thus endorsing – almost anything on the service.


  1. This is why Greenlight was a good thing. All it needed is some tweaking like anti-votespam and some sort of curator system, which they introduced riiight after they shut the Greenlight down

  2. DarthLord Nevin

    dont buy it, did you buy it? refund. valve gives you the tools. man this topic is a drag.. it’s like if I went to the minimart and paid for an apple that someone took a bite out of, to then go home and write a bad review about the store.screamsssss sjw

  3. But god forbid you have a game with an anime aesthetic

  4. The problem with steam is that they keep trying to pass themselves off as a public forum instead of a storefront.
    A storefront has standards, a public forum has none.
    But one crucial detail that they seem to forget is that a public forum IS FREE!
    By selling and profiting off of this garbage valve is absolutely endorsing it, no matter what it says
    If they are really serious about wanting to wash their hands of responsibility, then they should just make everything on steam free.

  5. They’ll let anything on Steam unless someone kicks up a stink. This isn’t about censorship or “SJW” egenda they just don’t give a shit until it threatens profit margins.

  6. The grocery store analogy doesn’t realy work in this case, let alone when you are comparing it to food. For starters, it’s not the grocery stores that perform quality control on food items, those are done by qualified third parties. The obvious reason being that unregulated food items can result in serious health issues. Making this comparison with games is overreaching a bit, don’t you think?
    The other problem with this analogy is the diference between a physical store, with limited shelf space, and an online store with unlimited shelf space. Obviously in a physical store you only want on display products that consumers want to buy since you have a limited space to store them. On an online store you can display unlimited amout of products and then rearrenge them based on the consumer preferences: the popular products stay on the front, while the unpopular ones slowly fade into the back. You can even have the products being displayed based on individual consumer preferences.

    TL.DR: Comparing physical stores with online stores is like comparing apples and oranges.

  7. “Valve allows it, therefore Valve endorses it”.
    Um, wut? When did allowing something become the same as endorsing it? Unless Valve specifically said that they endorse AIDS simulator, you’re just putting words in their mouth.

  8. Tozias Silverfang

    Yay capitalism! “But Jim, it’s just the *free market*!”

  9. I saw one dev who had produced no games at all. All their products were labeled as dlc and their description makes it clear that there is NO GAME, these dlcs are “cash donations”.
    This is either someone trying to make money in a stupid way, someone making fun of valve, or…

    Money laundering.

  10. In one of my recent articles, I mention that if Valve does not close the floodgates, PC, especially indie, gaming will take a huge hit! But, this is not opening the floodgates, this just removing them. For everyone who does not get it, or uses the defense of “you should be responsible for what you buy”
    1. You are morons
    2. There is problem bigger(in my eyes at least) called “Visibility”. Oh sure you might not buy any of the shit, but will you be whiling to dig through it to find the gold nugget? Fun fact about indie devs, most of them DONT HAVE MARKETING MONEY! They can’t pay for promos or just to be straight up featured in the main Steam page. And if they dont have the luck of being picked up by a internet celeb, they are dead on arrival.

    This will push the good Indie dev away, straight to the offices of Nintendo and SONY, where their possibly amazing tittle, will be exclusive to there console.
    Imagine for a second, how shit it would be if games like Hollow Knight, Pyre, Night in the Woods, Dead Cells, and other fantastic indie tittles were console exclusive!

    I can’t remember where i heard this, but someone once describe Valve, the company, as a 20 something slacker, but with bundles potential, and is arrogant about it. Well, that slacker just raised their hands and said “Fuck it”. There is no doubt in my mind, that in the long run, Valve will regret this decision!

  11. destructive maniac

    Release the porn games

  12. Seeing The Stanley Parable promoted in the “games like this” category makes me rage and cringe at the same time.

  13. Here’s a question… Does YouTube endorse every opinion on their videos? Does Twitter endorse every tweet that’s made?

    I mean, sure, the situation is a little different, being that Steam sells things, whereas on YouTube and Twitter, customers pay no money. But when it comes down to it… I don’t see Valve’s approach as being completely crazy.

    To a certain degree, I prefer that “aids simulator” is being honest about the fact that it’s a bad asset flip. Some people actually enjoy buying these horrifying games on steam, playing them and laughing/complaining about them. Most people should be smart enough to read the description, and whichever small percentage of people DO buy them clearly do so for… reasons.

    Now, the only thing I truly agree with is that Valve should make sure there’s an executable file – that could reasonably be considered an attempt to scam. But, really, I’d otherwise compare Steam to a flea market. If you buy shit from it (that is obviously shit), then… well… I don’t know, it’s not always the market’s faul. As long as the description was accurate and not misleading, i.e. the customer knew what they were buying, I don’t really see why Valve needs to go ham on it.

    Of course, misleading descriptions, missing executables, etc. are something Valve should deal with. No question.

  14. It’s sad how Steam is starting to fall apart in Quality Control, and that Valve has stopped giving a damn about it. Even more so, with both GoG and Switch becoming a better alternative for me, I’m going to be buying less off of Steam. Hell, this made EA’s Origin service look good in comparison.

    And in other news, it feels like Youtube is starting to do the same thing.

  15. Tell me Jim, do you think that steam should censor itself as YouTube is censoring itself? I do agree that broken games and asset flips shouldn’t be on Steam however games that you think are bad should not be removed from Steam.

  16. Im kind of on Valve’s side on this. Just let the market decide. If idiots buy it, it harms no one except the idiots that bought it. You can only bring attention to it so that no one will buy it that doesnt want it.

  17. Everybody loves the idea of censorship when it aligns with their values.

  18. I find it funny Jim has fallen prey to very very obvious trolling. The only reason anyone will know about this game is because Jim did a video on it. I’m sorry people are not smart enough to know how to marginalize something they don’t like.

    Educational Point: If you want to marginalize something, you literally don’t talk about it, and when you are around someone who is talking about it, you do your best to change the subject.

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