The Council – Powdered Wigs Aplenty (Jimpressions)

Developer: Big Bad Wolf
Publisher: Focus Home Intertactive
Format: PC, PS4, Xbox One
Released: Episodic, 1&2 available now
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  1. I like the facial design in this

  2. Vampyr jimpressions please!

  3. If it’s anything like my council then I guess a lot of the puzzles will be pothole-based. Useless gits.

  4. Oh my god what’s with their face even telltale made better facial expressions

  5. Jim, any chance you’ll do a video about Warframe completely screwing up Warframe on console in their update yesterday that wrecked literally every menu in the game by trying to turn it into a mouse and keyboard setup instead of controller?

    They’ve pissed off… basically everyone.

  6. I miss Commentocracy 🙁

  7. The character models are so poorly done. Can’t get past that.

  8. I’ll wait for the battle royale mode.

  9. The faces are nightmare worthy

  10. The first thing that comes to mind is “My face is tired.”

  11. Commentocracy…

  12. thelaughingrouge

    The faces in this are… a little off, but that woman in the bustier is on point. Guess we know where the devs spent their time.

  13. Christian Harris

    Borderlands> walking dead

  14. With “connexion” they were probably trying to be all “old english-y” since that’s how that word was originally spelled…but that was like in the 1400s, so the characters in this game would’ve still spelled it “connection” so its a fail either way. lol

  15. Oskar Dirlewanger

    I’d powder your wig, Jim. I’d powder you all over.

  16. Dissapointed by the second episode, it was pretty much just a bible based puzzle and a numbers one, don’t get me wrong these were both cool in theory but outstayed their welcome. I just looked up the solutions online after a certain point. It was also pretty short and their weren’t many confrontations or cool choices which is whats most interesting about the game in the first place. Here’s hoping the third is better.

  17. “connection” with an x might be intentional. Archaic spelling.

  18. “If you are not trained in politics,you cant have a political conversation.” i wish that was the case in real life

  19. I think it actually is a revolution in parts. We’re gamifying combat down to the chance of misfire for individual guns, yet conversations barely have anything, mechanically. Games like this are a good step to rectify this, make those more interesting. I feel this aspect is something games neglected for so, so long.

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