The Lore Behind the Nexus – Heroes of the Storm

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The Heroes of the Storm universe is expanding in a big way this year, and we’re excited to give you a taste of what’s to come! Join Game Director Alan Dabiri and Creative Content Lead Kevin Johnson as they dive deeper into the particulars of the Nexus.


  1. Still no draenei in the Nexus


  3. Hammeh - Overwatch (FailCraft)

    HYPE! Can’t wait to see what’s coming 😀


  5. This is amazing. :O I’ve been a lore maniac for sometime already, hated the fact that MOBAs didn’t had any, but enjoyed HotS because I simply knew the lore of the characters and made it fun to play. I am really excited and looking forward to see the Nexus lore.

  6. We need rock n roll racers hero or mount.

  7. MechaStorm Map! MechaStorm Map! MechaStorm Map!

  8. Lore? In a crossover? What is this?

  9. I just want to say that i would prefer format where you would be just telling us about new stuff rather than doing the “fake interview”. Otherwise great news!

    I mean when you are doing the fake interview you have to stick to your assigned roles. The one that is supposed to play oblivious one should not start explaining the same stuff he “did not know anything about” halfway through the video. There is definetely room for improvement when it comes to communication.

  10. This is so good. So glad we are delving deeper into the story of the Nexus itself.

  11. Next Video Title : “The Unbalance behind the Nexus” 😀

  12. “-not from Blizzard-”

    Edit: 2:15 timestamp

  13. pls more diablo boss chars

  14. Okay Lore in HotS and All things it’s Fine to me but Nexus Own Heroes to play is NO for me for a simple reason, HotS lacks many Awesome Diablo and StarCraft Heroes yet, and major of them are Heroes i wish love to play in Future.

    Diablo and StarCraft Heroes Lacks since Alpha because of Warcraft heroes since they was released alot, now with Overwatch Franchise Diablo and StarCraft Franchises Lacks even more with Heroes and Content and this is the big reason i hate Overwatch in HotS, and now you have plans to add Own Nexus Heroes, well will be another thing for me to Hate.

  15. I hope you make a Blyat realm and force every russian to stay there.

  16. Lore as to why we are in the Nexus is probably a good idea. As long as it sticks to Blizzard universe heroes and not new “Nexus based heroes” I’m cool with it.

  17. You know, I actually believed that the Raven Lord was that giant raven you see on the loading screen for cursed hollow… ._.

  18. OMG! Look at those Alarak and Gul’Dan skins! 5:57

  19. This is super exciting! My only suggestion is for skins coming out, please let us purchase them individually instead of a bundle. As an example I may be a Gul’dan player but suck at Alarak so I really don’t want both skins to only be available in a bundle.

  20. Adding a singular lore to Heroes is really a good idea, but adding content which is not from Blizzard is a really bad idea.

    Heroes of the storm players actually play this game because they love the Blizzard Universe, if you mix it up with some other universe, we gonna feel that like a betrayal and you gonna lose so many players

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