Go Fast Update – Developer Commentary

Update 1.1.4 is about to increase speed and firepower in Destiny 2. Sandbox Design Lead Josh Hamrick is on the record about what motivated the team as they worked on a new state of combat for the game.

Go to Bungie.net for more information and commentary on game updates.


  1. That guy that likes you Probably.

    While I do agree that this is definitely a step in the right direction. I’m still not going to play this game until they finally figure out what destiny actually is and figure out what direction they are gonna take this franchise in. Not just from a story perspective (which they should definitely focus on) but the direction they’re gonna take the gameplay in as well. I like this update because it’s proof that bungie is starting to realize what there core audience actually was. HARDCORE Destiny fans.

    All of these dumb changes like: 4v4 pvp, making the subclass perk trees incredibly linear restricting you to only like two play styles per subclass, dumbing down the subclass and their perks in general, and putting all of the awesome special weapons into the heavy/power slot and replaced the special weapons slot with elemental primaries. These changes were made to appeal to a casual audience (*LIKE BRO WHY NOT JUST ADD ELEMENTAL PRIMARIES INSTEAD OF DEDICATING A WHOLE NEW SLOT FOR THEM?*) But bungie was so caught up with trying to appeal to a broader audience they forgot to appeal with their core audience. HARDCORE Destiny fans who have stuck with bungie for the past 4 years, and now they’re suffering the consequences. And you don’t have to ruin the experience for veterans just to appeal to a new audience. Just look at monster hunter world!

    And let’s face it Destiny was never a casual experience, like damn. Just look at the end game content of D1 compared to D2. SO much more hardcore and challenging than anything D2 has done so far. The nightfalls, the raids, trails, they all were much more challenging and required more effort and coordination with your team to get done than anything in destiny 2.
    So who exactly did they THINK were playing their game? Destiny is NOT for casuals in the slightest.

    I hope that this update can only mean more good things to come from this franchise in the future, ESPECIALLY after all the shit bungie and Activision have pulled recently, and I hope that they can fix this game enough to actually make me come back to it.

  2. I like this new Bungie

  3. I am more than surprised at the amount of positive comments that are here, I appreciate the fact that everyone isn’t just hating on Bungie right now and instead are looking at the good that they are trying to bring back to the game ^_^

    And to those of you who are criticizing me for what I have said saying I am a “destiny fanboy” then think again, to those who are supporting me don’t bother reading any further unless you want to.
    I understand that there are so many problems with D2 that it’s not funny. Those who are in charge need to act like it and focus on those who have been supporting them in this mess. i have spent over $200 total on D1 and D2 and I have been paid back in a half baked game.
    That does not mean that I will waste my breath on commanding those who are the real builders of the game to do better while they have their bosses breathing down their necks. You are telling people who have spent hours trying to build a game, get it shipped out before they finish and then wait for people to hate it how to do their jobs. How does that make sense? you telling someone who has gone to school to be a video game builder how to be a video game builder. Before you start bashing people for their hard work, do it yourself, then maybe you’ll develop a little respect for the people who are trying to make things better.
    I am someone who has been underwhelmed like the rest of you, but I have a different reaction to it.
    If you think destiny is dead, if you just spend your time hating the game then stop. If you hate it so much then why do you care? Why would you even be reading this comment on a destiny 2 update video? get your butt off that “chair of video game wisdom” and go to stuff you enjoy it doesn’t help anyone when you spend your time doing this.
    Though why am I spending time telling you this? you wont listen to me, you’ll just leave bad comments still, and you will persist. That is why destiny receives so much hate.

  4. People still play this game? I thought the creators tried to poison the community?

  5. “In D1, people would of said…probably correctly…”

    OH reeeeally! The way you said that, and the tone of which you said it REALLY shows how much you didn’t listen to the community before. You sounded so STUBBORN and apprehensive about it when you said that sentence. Don’t know why that triggered me so much, but it did. -___-

  6. Transparency, awareness, and lack of deflection is seeping from this video. This is what I expect from a AAA developer.

    Thank you, Bungie.

  7. Omg I need to make a Warlock A S A P

  8. Unfortunately it’s too little too late

  9. Well…maybe I will come back…

  10. Looks like a decent update but it’s honestly too late. Most of their player base have left and now won’t return

  11. *cough cough* marketing stunt *cough cough* prolly bs *cough*

  12. Bungie: please comeback
    Players: will you remove eververse , won’t be lazy and make shitty dlcs and actually listen to feed back?
    Bungie: no comment.

  13. Can’t wait for that one retard staying this meta is too fast paced :/

  14. “What’s the worst that can happen?” *show prometheus lens*

  15. So bungie releases a small update and pretty much every one is ready to forgive bungie ? No wonder bungie has no respect for the community

  16. ‘We’ve introduced obnoxious bugs before, what’s the worst that could happen?’ Cue footage of Prometheus Lens. Perfect

  17. Maybe… MAYBE! you should have left D1 the FK ALONE and you wouldn’t have this game at where it sadly sits today. Everything was going Awesome at the end of D1 and it’s like upper management all got high on cocaine and purposely smashed it with a hammer. And now we’re suppose to be so happy and grateful that you are trying to get the game back to where it was over a year ago?!? In any other company, if you pulled this crap, they would have fired your ass a long time ago!!! YOU DON’T DESERVE ANY THANKS. You took $60 from us and gave us a $30 game with LESS CONTENT from what we had. Who’s the brainiac that made the decision to take 6vs6 out? you couldn’t just add 4vs4 to the crucible choices we had already??? G-George. I haven’t played this game for months and this was a game I loved playing day to day versus any other and you took a big steaming shit on it and now expect us to jump with joy about it. No Thanks A-holes.

  18. Put the last word back in the game. Please

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