Evelynn Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends

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Evelynn Reveal


  1. Rito, y u no rework Ryze in this patch?

  2. Well now that this rework is done. How about my bb Kayle.

  3. Lago Seungli's League of Legends

    where is season 3 at >

  4. I need an adult.

  5. Cool, another champ people are gonna play for a few days, than go back to doing their same old shit.

    Riot Trash.

  6. 0:11 i think my ex is evelynn

  7. Looks like my AD build won’t work anymore….

  8. So is she finally out ?

  9. Btw why riot stopped to show us the core items and what the champion need! Oh pls riot!!

  10. So she sucks early game cuz she dosnt have demonshade till level 6. And she is garbage late game cuz she is an assasin. Her w is useless 20 minutes into the game because everyone knows when they are marked so they just group up and she becomes useless. She has no reliable dash, if you can call her e that. Her e range is fucking pathetic. And her w takes WAYY too long to fully charge. Her q has too much of a high cooldown when attacking champions, which makes 1v1s vs any kind of dps very crap early. Her wave clear vs lane minions is horrendous. The skill shot on her q is so fucking short for a champ with no dash. She will be garbage without any sort of helpful buff. This rework was a massive nerf as things stand. Usually it’s easy to make a new champ or rework look broken on pbe but Evelyn is so bad. Way too much counter play. Champs with too much counterplay are garbage, for example Aurelian sol, urgot, Kayle, gangplank, and so on.

    Nice one riot.

  11. I literally got an evelynn skin before this

  12. SO shes like a KINKY SHACO 2.0 with a big pussy and a loose one ???

  13. I am going to masturbate to a TON of Eve porn now

  14. Those upper body physics though!

  15. When is she confirmed?

  16. how to play evelynn: don’t until catchup exp removed

  17. 0:35 “After leaving combat for a few seconds, Evelynn is enveloped by demon shit”

    Gotta illiterate Phreak

  18. looks like a nerf to me, how are u supposed to pull off a charm when it takes so long to charge up plus you actually need to hit a skillshot as well. Not mentioning removal of early stealth and mana regen from passive. Gap closer seems shitty and damage seems shitty as well. the only good thing about new eve is ultimate cuz the old one was fucked up.

  19. TheInternetsHaveCome

    ‘Hate Spike will deal full damage to all targets past the first.’

    I give it… four patches until that gets changed.

  20. She is living porn…. Riot what have you become. But uhm I am not saying I don’t like it ??

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