First Look at Next Major Xbox System Update

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Larry Hryb, Xbox Live’s Major Nelson and Mike Ybarra, from Platform Engineering, walk through the next major system update for gaming on Xbox One and Windows 10 PC, designed to make the Xbox gaming experience more fun, personalized, and social than ever before.


  1. I love the constant updates. I’m always up for change and improvement.

  2. Stop doing this! I’m so sick of having to get used to a new interface!

  3. Stop changing the home UI, everytime I get used to a new UI it gets updated and I have to get used to the new one again…

  4. Can’t wait to get the new dashboard ??

  5. Every time I get used to a home menu they change it


  7. So get rid of snap and now this like wtf

  8. Wonderful, now the suggestions of people I don’t want to add and things I don’t want to buy will be even closer for maximum accidental clicks!

  9. Matt Hollingsworth

    The best one is the one from December of 2015. That had the best homes screen

  10. TheItalianoAssassino

    What’s up with the layout? This looks so chaotic, please bring the original home screen back!

  11. Psn way better

  12. Can you imagine the likes this video would get if they just bring back the 360 blades OG

  13. Michael Brocaglia

    I was resistant at first… But I think with a bit more polish, this has good potential! I love the Xbox Dash and this looks like a good direction.

  14. Call of Duty World War II Player

    plz bring back the snap for the love of GOOD

  15. Can mixer maybe f*** off? WHY IS IT BEFORE COMMUNITY!? F*** off! So annoying.

  16. please don’t do it it’s fine how it is make it a choice where we don’t have to update everytime you keep updating it it makes more space off my Xbox I don’t have enough money to buy a hard drive and I don’t like how it looks

  17. I don’t understand the whole concept of “making it easier to move around” by adding more inputs to do the simplest of things. I could care less on community or suggested friends feature. Just my opinion I wasn’t a fan of this current dashboard because it made more steps just to do easy things and now they’re taking that and making it more cluttered and step by step.

  18. I pay $10 a month for Xbox live. I pay $100 a year for grove music. I even pay $10 a month for game pass. Someone please tell me why I still have to see adds on my Xbox

  19. *gamerscore 99939*

    They just put the 3 in to look ligit…

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