Prey’s Demo & Arkane’s Cock Cigarette (The Jimquisition)

Demos aren’t exactly fashionable, and Prey not having one on PC is technically a non-issue.

Or it would have been, had Arkane’s reasoning not been so thoroughly and astoundingly wrong. At least when you think about it more than Arkane has.

Bonus Content: Elite Gaming Wisdom with Duke Amiel Du H’ardcore.


  1. Jesus, Jim. Duke Du H’ardcore is…

    Well, it’s a pretty accurate representation of those idiots, if I’m being honest.

  2. wait what brazzers has made power rangers parody? I should maybe check it out. You know for research of course

    *faps away*

  3. That ending was some brilliant masturbatory material. Who even needs brazzers premium when you’ve got that


  5. Uuhhhhhhhh… I don’t get it. I mean, besides the “Forgetting to refund” thing, I don’t really get it. I can see that there’s a difference, I just don’t follow why it’s all that bad. Sorry 🙁

  6. Also, the ps4 demo was almost unplayable. Worst aiming i’ve ever seen.

  7. Not to mention: Demos are typically much, much smaller in size than the full game. Prey has you downloading the whole entire game as a “demo”. If you don’t like the game, then you just wasted that entire bandwidth. For many people, that’s bandwidth they can’t just so freely waste.

  8. Well… that’s a new character. Nice wig.

  9. DeltaSourceEleven

    I was totally expecting something like this when I saw the title card for Elite Gaming Wisdom, yet I still lost my shit when you appeared in that getup. :’DDD

  10. Someone get all of jim’s characters, put them in a fighter game and release it for free. I really want to see it happen.

    Maybe call it “Jimquisition: Bogglin Boy Bash” 😀

  11. Jim’s use of Speedrunning as an argument for how you can complete prey quickly and refund is really shitty and unresearched. If he bothered looking into these speedruns he would realise to get sub 2 hour speed run times, you need to glitch through walls and sequence break the game by bypassing areas and content by moving around in the out of bounds areas. That’s got no effect on how quickly people could legitimately complete the game by going through the campaign properly, in that sense it is still a 10 hour plus game with up to 40 hours of additional content. The rest of Jim’s points are great and valid but this was disappointing, I expect him to research better than that. If someone wants to refund after skipping 90% of the game to complete it then they clearly don’t give a shit about the game and deserve a refund and speedrunners themselves only achieve those times by constantly going through runs of the game, spending as many hours as any other player in the process. What a useless argument.

  12. Jim’s aristocrat bit is already a better Joker than Jared Leto

  13. the new postshow segment is spectacular.

    *sips tea*

  14. Is that a Hot Fuzz reference I hear?

  15. Duke Du H’ardcore looks like the villain of a knock-off 101 Dalmations movie

  16. why did you stop I’m almost finished

  17. They would never say no because of the implication.

  18. The end of this video is why YouTube needs a double thumbs up button

  19. Duke Du H’Ardcore is god, damn, genius.

  20. … !!! love the bit with the Duke, It’s so accurate.

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