Zelda Breath of the Wild – Bow Spin Tutorial

**Now with English subtitles! ** Finally, the full Bow Spin tutorial is complete. There may still be some questions you guys have so please check out this FAQ in this info bar by pressing “show more” below for a couple tidbits. I may upload other clips here and there, but this will be my last full tutorial video. Enjoy!

Q: Where is the Combat Data Compendium?

Q: Is there an advantage to spinning without a bow in your hand? You can just tap B once to remove it while spinning..
A: Slightly, you can B cancel a couple frames faster if threatened, and dont have to press B twice to B cancel out of the spin would be the biggest advantage. Personally, having a bright arrowhead to see where you are positioned in the spin helps, as well as jump cancelling faster into a bow shot since its already equipped. Otherwise, there is no difference.

Q: My double hits are inconsistent! Is there a way to make it 100%?
A: No unfortunately, but a big part of double hits is consistent hitboxes, and consistent hitboxes is if they’re stunned/getting stunned. Double hitting a moblin with a sledgehammer compared to a Thunderdome Chain with a Great Thunderblade is an easy example, the way the moblins hitbox is positioned while it is getting electrocuted makes it much easier to double hit compared to while normally being spin attacked. This is pretty much the same rule with hinox eye shot stuns, lynel headshot stuns, etc.

Echos in Hyrule by Weezlack
3:07 – https://soundcloud.com/weezlack/echos-in-hyrule


  1. holy shit I hope Nintendo doesn’t patch this stuff

  2. When Mety uploaded this video I immediately knew that this could be used to completely annihilate enemies.

  3. Man ur a legend. Thank you!

  4. One day I want to be able to be as awesome as you are (even though it’s kinda impossible)
    You’re my botw idol!


  6. First time I see you taking damage

  7. another quality video!
    i love the in-depth explanations of the tech, and also mistakes that are bound to happen on a first try.

    keep making more videos!

  8. What’s the difference between elemental charge and elemental effect damage?

  9. Great video like always, I just wanted to ask; what song plays at 3:08? I checked all the songs from the description out and couldn’t find it.. thanks!

  10. Your videos are really well made and it impressive to see how much you love combat in this game to the point of evolving the meta.

  11. ToastyInspiration™

    if anyone’s confused by “B” he means the cancel button not the jump button. (but it’s kinda obvious cause jumps cancels shit :v)

  12. Nicholae Etherblaze

    I fucking love your videos, so interesting and well made!

  13. you put so much care into how you make your videos!! they’re easy to understand, fun to watch, and so full of depth. i love seeing the high-quality content you make!! keep it up!!!

  14. So new speedrun record when?

  15. Holy shit this is amazing. I knew the combat in this game was deep but I was only scratching the surface.

  16. I would honestly watch if you made videos on other games just because you explain things so well

  17. This guy writing the BOTW speedrunners’ holy book.

  18. Nice, thanks 4 this!!

    Greetings from Venezuela.

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