Yule Log 2.0

timely festive meme

glad i got this out in time for new yea- oh.
will jeff be able to handle what 2018 has in store? only time will tell.

A big thank you to all my generous supporters:
Jamie McCluskey
Zahir Merchant


  1. Just Kaplan.

  2. A blessed video

  3. i could fap to this forever

  4. These just keep getting better and better

  5. A new Dinoflask video?

    Its like christmas all over again!

    Oh wait, it is.

  6. *Some people just want to see the world burn*

  7. Dinoflass is my favorite youtuber

  8. 2:26 Wtf (bottom left XD)

  9. That ending had to be months and months of planning

  10. I was REALLY hoping those three words meant something.

    I am sad now

  11. Every overwatch youtuber thought those three words were hero teases, what a fucking joke
    Edit: in a strange twist of events I am now the “fucking joke”

  12. *no more mr. nice Jeff*

  13. *O R C A*
    *K I L L E R W H A L E*
    *G R A T U I T O U S*

  14. Jeff will snap

  15. 2:20 OOHHH GODDDD. The ending though, wp sir.

  16. this is great

  17. I feel like the relationship between Jeff and Dinoflask is quite possibly one of the coolest community-development team interactions ever seen from any game.

  18. Timidly waiting for the day Jeff Kaplan shoots up Blizzard HQ because of these videos

  19. Jeff stared into the darkness, and what stared back was Jeff from the Overwatch team.

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