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Oh, this unique individual is back.


  1. Someone paid $100 to put this up….

  2. It continues to amaze me that even as Greenlight is in its death throes, it can STILL house such unbelievably terrible devs and even worse games.
    Its just a bottomless barrel at this point.

  3. Cleve Crudgington

    I never knew what the voice acting equivalent of shitty MS paint art was, but here it is.

  4. This game’s title sounds like something a bot would come up with from mashing together other game titles..

  5. “You are sooo tired”
    Well, he’s right about one thing. I am tired.
    So very tired of shit like this.

  6. “You are Big Boss”. See!? It mentions Snake! So it’s fiiiiine. ?

  7. I don’t think anyone will miss this garbage when greenlight dies.

  8. Wow. I will never be down on my art again

  9. Jimmy's PlaysN'Covers

    What a creepy, cringey son of a bitch this “developer” must be. Fuck him in his stupid asshole!

  10. “Just… why?” – Jim Sterling

    “Uhm… I guess this exists.” – GameSpot

    “What even… ” – IGN

  11. I can’t understand a single fucking word they’re saying.

  12. It’s like Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff but not funny or ironic or self aware in the slightest

  13. Even if this is a joke (and I pray that it is!), it’s a terrible one! I like random humour just like the next guy, but this…. is too random!

  14. Stronghans McIronuts

    You’re wrong Jim, this game has everything to do with YouTube.

    Where are we right now? YouTube.

  15. This made me look back at my old sprite animations, claymations, and rpgs I made when I was 10 or so.
    They were cringy as fuck, the plots were stupid, and they didn’t have great importance.

    I then realized I only posted 1 of them to newgrounds, they all had coherent sentence structures, I didn’t used my voice anywhere, and the animation quality was okay.

    There is literally no excuse for this.

  16. This smacks of aliens from the planet Gn’ckvrs trying to blend in with human culture when all they’re seen is Greenlight submissions and that one MS Paint parody anime.

  17. pretty sure shitty Greenlight games are a meme by now and these only get made for the sake of memes

  18. this is the reason i said you should continue the lawsuit even if it costs you a buckload and your sanity .. you would go down like a god … thank god for me.

  19. Should have used the $100 to hire an English teacher.

  20. well I mean, it’s just shitposting in game format

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