Watching A Man Lose His Mind At The Game Awards 2018… HYPE

Josef Fares blames jetlag. I like to go where Fares went last night, and it ain’t a lil’ town called Jetlag.

Anway, the developer of A Way Out declares his brilliant, hates the Oscars, and brings up loot boxes.

And finally, The Game Awards mattered.


  1. He’s the hero TriplAYYY deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

  2. Kristijan trimceski




  5. “So the winner of this award is- Oh come on…”

    “A microtransaction to see the results?”

  6. He is a fucking hero…
    The most passionate man in that room

  7. Even Totalbiscuit’s Snarkathon live commentary was hard to watch. Not because of TB(him and Genna were great!), but the awards show was just ads, ads ,and more ads the whole show. This drunk guy was the only redeemable part to the whole thing.

  8. I think this dude was drunk not jet lagged lol

  9. Really enjoyed Zachary Levi’s crack at Mircotransactions too.

  10. *ahem* Fuck EA.

  11. If alot of people love each other the world would be a better place to live.

  12. Tommy Wiseau with talent. That’s a burn that stings a lot more now with the movie adaptation of The Disaster Artist coming out soon, if not out already.

  13. I didn’t know you could sniff jetlag, interesting….

  14. Guy’s possibly drunk, but that’s nothing compared to whatever Kojima was smoking when he made that DS trailer.

    Edit: thanks for the correction Giga. Didn’t notice the auto-correct, posted comment then left the vid afterwards.

  15. I did not hit her, I did not.
    Oh hi mark.

  16. The not Bloodborne one is 99.9% Tenchu.

  17. What Levi needing his credit card to open the envelope. due to microtransactions?
    Or Bethesda’s campaign for Single-player games?

  18. Definitely drunk. A Way Out looks awesome, Brothers was great too….

  19. You really missed out this year, Jim.

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