Wargaming, You Done Fucked Up

Threatening YouTubers with takedown strikes? Not a good idea.

Thanks to the many people who tipped me off.


  1. I wondered how long it would take lmao

  2. Is this another example of someone who can’t take criticism so they decided to threaten YouTubers with strikes?

  3. Justagermannerd

    wait , WG is messing w/ sirfoch? welp jingles and QB aint gonna be happy about that

  4. They fucked up WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY before this.

  5. It’s always been a pay2win game to be honest…

  6. OMG the music from Dynasty Warriors 3 Extreme Legends

    why the fuck did i recognise that

  7. Jim Sterling and Angry Joe have merged into one!

  8. Sterling gives warnings now?

    You’re being a nice guy, Jim.

  9. TheAmazingDolphin

    lifs’s good when you’re a ninja block

  10. John PlayerSpecial

    this is the most “Jim Fucking Sterling Son” video ever

  11. It should be noted that Wargaming had every right to take him off the content creator platform – this Youtuber said some really quite very unprofessional things about them. People are confusing that tidbit with the rest of it.

    The DMCA takedown is a complete shitfit of censoring criticism, though.

  12. War Thunder lookin’ pretty good right now…

    *he says sarcastically while looking at the IS-6*

  13. oh, Jim fucking Sterling Son, as a long time WOT player I can’t tell you how happy this announcement makes me.
    I really do enjoy the game but the publisher is terrible on an asset flipper level.

    EDIT: As some have pointed out, comparison to asset flippers may be to harsh, though I do think there’s valid criticism to be made regarding more than one of WGs practices and this most certainly includes threatening youtubers in this manner.

  14. Haven’t Wargaming been complete cunts in the past? Like, ignoring community and telling them to go fuck themselves type of complete cunts, or am I thinking of another company?

    Regardless, it doesn’t surprise me that a company making a Pay to Win game is pissy when they’re called on their shit.

    Note 1: It was Gaijin Entertainment (War Thunder) I was thinking of in the beginning (though apparently WG’s still done some shady things).

    Note 2: I wasn’t *just* referring to ignoring the community – I meant ignoring the community, along with copyright claims and deleting valid complaints on forums and such. Probably should’ve been more clear on that.

  15. Pronounced “Sir Forsh” not Sir Fuck.

  16. Oh dear, and they’ve sponsored a recent Extra History video series. That’s going to be awkward.

  17. Damn, that was quick. You and SidAlpha work surprisingly well together. He’s like your Commissioner Gordon; he doesn’t have the strength or resources to fight the villain himself, but he sure knows how to flash the Jim Fucking Sterling Signal into the night sky.

  18. Hey Jim, just to let you know SirFoch isn’t the only one who’s under fire from Wargaming. There’s also another player by the name of Circonflexes who’s also on Wargaming’s shit list. If you want more information, I strongly suggest you get in touch with a YouTuber who goes by the name TheMightyJingles. He’s also following this situation and I think he would be a good resource for you for Monday’s Jimquisition.

  19. Jim I gotta say, love that you’re covering this. honestly, I can’t think of a better person to have this covered by, just wanted to help you out with your coverage. 1. it’s sir (Fosh), but calling him sir fok is fine and kinda endearing.

    2. so all tanks in the game can use premium ammo, the difference is this tank in particular has what can only be categorized as a weak gun, until you do choose to shoot premium rounds, then it’s gun jumps to god tier. this is not the first tank to have this problem, quite a few others have this as an issue, the difference here being this one in particular is going to cost real money to buy and a pretty penny at that. tanks like this range from 35-75 dollars..so full triple A game pricing for just one digital tank. this plays off additional money grabs for the game, tanks like this are sold under the premise buy one of these premium tanks, they make more in game currency and help you grow your collection of not-bought-with-cash vehicles.

    3. most premium tanks are average to less than average in overall quality compared to regular tanks, the idea being you can buy power but it doesn’t mean you get to win, this tank seems to be an exception to this rule. remember how some tanks have shit guns you have to improve with premium ammo? well that negates armor on big heavy tanks that depend on that to survive. so in an effort to make armor work again, wargaming buffed the protection on these big super heavily armored vehicles to the point of insanity. again most of these tanks can’t be bought for cash, but this one can, your getting an unkillable tank with no “chinks” in it’s armor to even give you a chance for like 50-75 dollars, that has a shit gun until you load premium and then can’t actually make money with, in turn have to buy more premium tanks…and the cycle continues

    4. premium ammo used to only be bought for cash..now you can use ingame currency AS WELL as cash. It will bankrupt your in game bank account but you have the ‘option’ according to wargaming which ‘totally’ makes it fair.

    everything else you said is totally true..wargaming threw a fit when foch critized the money grabs they are making recently, my theory, all their competition is pretty much dead; they have a monolopy in this market again. btw this isn’t the worst money grab the company has made ever..last year they made a ‘new’ version of a 60 dollar tank they no longer sold. do you know what was new? they painted it black and charged 75 dollars for it. anyway I know this was a wall of text but I just want to help you get all the details correct because from someone who is in the WOT community we care about the message of this bullshit getting out..you just kinda messed up the details. hope this helps and hope I didn’t come across as too pretentious, cheers

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