Ubisoft Spent Years Protecting Mental And Physical Abusers (The Jimquisition)

This is another heavy episode containing discussion of abuse. A few weeks ago, I was distraught, devastated, and overwhelmingly saddened by the accounts of misconduct in the game industry. Now I am angry.

I am very angry, and very disgusted, and I’ve saved a lot of pent up rage for Ubisoft, a company that went above and beyond in its protection of predatory men and systemic exploitation.

The publisher used this past week to BURY the story under a mountain of previews, trailers, and announcements, which the press dutifully lapped up. As the publisher has successfully drowned out the abuse allegations with sheer noise, it’s time we started shouting back.

Ubisoft spent years protecting mental and physical abusers, and CEO Yves Guillemot should never be allowed to forget that.


  1. Makes me sad that even with all these things coming out in the public with Ubisoft and Naughty dog etc, people and even media places still cant stop lapping up the shit they put out.

    I doubt it will ever change in any real meaningful way, because they get rewarded with purchases and publicity from media companies and people even when they are the biggest pieces of shit ever.

    If media companies of all things can’t take a stand and say we arent playing this or making videos of this because of what is going on what hope is there?

  2. I’m commenting for no other reason for engagement to help the YT algorithm show this to more people.

  3. Again, those who scream they are the most wholesome have the bigest skeletons in their closet.

  4. “Ubisoft moved abusers around the company like in catholic church”
    As a Christian myself, i unfortunately have to agree with that comparison.

  5. Being a Bulgarian myself, I’m surprised there even are people in the company here to point out the racism and homophobia (I didn’t hear anything about misogyny and transphobia but I’ll bet they’re there as well). It’s just the most normal thing in my country. Anyway, great video as always, the world needs your content!

  6. Instead of “thank god for me”

    “Thank god for those speaking out”

  7. Had to go anonymous for this one. Let me just say that as someone who works in the industry, it is immensely difficult to constantly bite my tongue about these things. I want to yell it from the goddamn rooftops every single day since I became professionally involved with this industry. But I can guarantee you: They will find out – and if they do, you’re gonna be in a lot of trouble. My specific company (one that constantly pops up on this channel btw) even asks their employees to give them any and all links to their social media accounts. It’s mandatory. Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, everything. Now while you don’t have to open the profiles for everyone to read, it still is quite the message. And having professional contacts on any of these websites only adds to the paranoia and basically renders the “My profile is private” argument useless anyway. If I told you what upper management did to me as retaliation against voicing my opinions, it would make your skin crawl.

  8. Well, if Ubisoft is going to keep digging its grave… LET’S BURY THEM.

  9. This makes me look at the Ubisoft logo in a totally new way. A downward spiral of abuse and disgusting behavior.

    Now that’s ACTUALLY *Ubiconic*

  10. “…and you can quote me on that.”

    I love you Jim

  11. I had to rewind and listen closely did Jim say “Maxime Bellend”, the name would suit though.

  12. Jim: *Continues to drag Ubisoft through the dirt*

    Me: Yes, yes. Let the (justified) hate grow through you.

  13. Hey Jim, I can’t imagine what wading into this shit does to the psyche, but I want you to know it’s appreciated, and I stand with you.

  14. There’s a strong parallel between the gaming industry and Hollywood’s movie industry, both havens for rich and powerful sexl criminals. I suspect many more Harvey Weinsteins will be exposed in coming years. The environment in these industries attracts, encourages and shelters them.

  15. when sexual harrassment is so fundamentally burned into your company’s corporative culture that it remains consistent throughout your continental-landmass-apart studios

  16. It might sound callous but this kind of thing shows how far we have come. The simple fact that ubisoft is trying to cover it up and people are resigning is evidence of progress. When this kind of thing happened lets say 30-40 years ago, and i assure you it did happen, people used to concider it par for the course and didn’t do anything about it and the victims were not only not heard they were actively silenced.
    What im saying is don’t let news like this depress you, regard them as proof of where we have come and where we need to get to. Support the victims and don’t stop fighting is my point.

  17. Lost Scrolls Sketchbook

    Jim actually puts it poignantly: Imagine being bleak because an accused rapist didn’t invite you to their house party. The problem isn’t that you didn’t get invited by them – the problem is that you’re desperate to get invited by them.

  18. Hopefully this marks a change in games journalism actually becoming journalism rather than marketing. We have to keep the pressure up to make sure everyone else follows suit.

  19. “The Escapist, censored journalist after being paid off by rapists!”

    You can quote me on that.

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