Toxic Overwatch Harassment Girl Gamers Deal With

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Let me first start off by saying that I’m a twitch streamer and I play overwatch for 4-5 hours every day and have to deal with a LOT of bullshit. This is just a collection of the toxic moments people from my stream remembered to clip over the past 4 months or so and I decided to put them into a video to show how awful this community can really be. (It can also be great too!) None of these insults were even remotely warranted, and most attacked me specifically because of my gender.

If this happens to you, regardless of your age or gender don’t let the frustration of others get to you. And if you see this happening to someone else, stand up for them! Call those idiots out and tell them that it’s not ok. We need more people to speak out against toxicity, especially in Overwatch. I just hope that someday we can enjoy playing Overwatch while not having to deal with being personally attacked. Thanks.

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I stream daily on twitch starting at 5PM PST.

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  1. I can’t wait for the day these disrespectful little boys get their faces pounded in by someone of their own measure when they shoot they’re pussy ass mouths off to the wrong person. Fucking cowards. Props to this girl for not giving up on what she loves to do. You’re supported by the mature people of this community and do not let these insecure little children get to you.

  2. Good Lord, the guys in this video are so disgusting and toxic. Anyone who defends them is almost just as bad. This is actually infuriating. They’re seriously just attacking her for being a girl. This is just pathetic! Thank her for posting this and bringing attention to this nasty garbage.

  3. Jokes on them we all know they get absolutely 0 action other than overwatch upskirts XD

  4. This literally is just the toxic community. Her insults are just sexist based (which pretty much any female gamer has learned to ignore) while guys are insults and call each other virgins.

  5. K, you have a silver border with 4 stars and these are the best you can come up with? Praise kek; you’re truly blessed to have so many nice players. People do this kind of stuff online to try to be funny. For example when the guy said “go back to the kitchen” at the beginning of the match to Hollywood he was trying to make a joke. I had a match once with someone that was ESL, and he told us how good his “spaghetti salad” was. We made fun of him the whole match because of it and he jumped in and had fun with it too. No one got tilted when we lost the first and second point with 4 minutes left and we managed to beat them by 2 extra minutes when we attacked. Some of these were not okay at all, but honestly? It’s all an attitude thing and how you take it.

    (And to be fair a lot of girls that talk do play support)

  6. Get some confidence/better comebacks or just ignore them and play the game. “We just have to kill shit” sounds like you were asking for the attention to me. You have more knowledge than “we just have to kill shit”. These players were toxic anyways regardless of gender. Funny how people care about a bunch of 12 year old boys’ opinions though.

  7. “Born to be a winner! Born to be a champion!”

    It’s not easy to deal with all this, and I appreciate videos like these.

  8. A lot of these dudes are assholes but I dont see how the first guy deserved a report for just yelling that. Other than that these guys are retarded.

  9. She asked for it. Hahaha jokesssssssss.

    I bet some of it was edited before but meh i get this and im a guy obviously with the name Barry

  10. This is normal and has been since long before online gaming and I’m not talking about getting insulted for being a female. Trash talking is part of competitive environments always has been always will be. The insults they are hurling are usually not indicative of the persons belief nor are they usually for the purpose of hurting someones feelings though that is a possible outcome. When they are on your team the point of it is to test your determination. If it’s the opponent the point is to get you to tilt so you lose your focus making it easier to defeat you… You being a woman has nothing to do with it and likely isn’t a major contributor to the amount of shit talking you receive. If you don’t believe me ask anyone who played football (american) in high school or college what it was like in the locker rooms their freshmen year(s).

  11. First mistake: Caring about what online gamers are saying. I constantly get shit for my supposedly “gay” voice. Most of the time I have to laugh and start messing around. How does she react? She looks seriously *triggered* and replies with witty dumbass comebacks to what is just brainless overwatch toxicity.
    Second mistake: Instantly getting *triggered* and replying with witty dumbass comebacks to mere bullshit, aswell as serious sexism. Some of the people in this video were clearly just talking trash, and would have offended a male player just as badly using other means to attack him. Some others were clearly sexist. Instead of embracing trashtalk with the joking idiots, she acted like there was a stick shoved up her ass. Instead of muting and reporting the serious sexists, she acted like there was a stick shoved up her ass.
    Third mistake: Uploading this compilation online to showcase how much of a poor gril gamer she is. We fucking get it, okay? Players act shitty in competitive videogames, because it’s a competitive videogame. Not because she is a female.

    If I knew this streamer any better I might be able to form a more thorough opinion, but from just this one video she comes off as sexist to me.

  12. I mean every person generally has experienced toxicity, you just mute them and move on. You can’t fix someone being an asshole, you just can’t – they’re keyboard warriors taking advantage of the anonymity. This video is the equivalent of a darker-skinned individual uploading a video called “Toxic Overwatch Harrassment That Minorities Deal With” and it’s just a bunch of autistic preteens screaming the N-word on comms. It’s just toxicity in general that’s being branded as an attack on women – and while their harassment may be different, why is it they can’t just mute and report like everyone else? Why is this a bigger issue just because it’s aimed towards women?

  13. Why tha heck are there so stupid god damn men

  14. LOL all these guys who will never get a girl/woman in their entire worthless life. What have their parents done wrong? I guess some people are just worthless no matter if their parents are losers or not.
    The funniest thing is, the only reason these guys are not a girl themselves is luck. Its not that people who are experienced and awesome transform into guys or something. Its just how someone was born. Like they are born without a brain. Its the same.

  15. ThePortableTornado

    The fuck is wrong with people?

  16. This isn’t just an Overwatch problem. This is a serious problem in all gaming communities… people in general are toxic as all hell. Girls prob take a bit more, but it happens to the guys as well. i see it everyday as soon as i log into an online game with any sort of chat.

  17. They do this because they’re intimidated. They know they would be rejected also, so they become angry. What’s the point of a girl if they can’t get with her? Why is she playing a game I like, and might even be good at it? It shatters their sensitive, wimpy little reality.

  18. Have to deal with ignorant men all the time!! This is what is wrong with the world…

  19. Both genders get harassed in overwatch. Gender isn’t the issue, it’s the immature assholes that think they’re being cool by acting like a middle schooler. Don’t hesitate to report people, your reports do matter.

  20. 99% of the people in there are the same person

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