Touch the Skyrim Ep. 6: Nick and Griffin KISS CRASH BANDICOOT (NSFW)

This series has gone so completely off the rails so quickly, I don’t even think it remembers what rails look like. This episode is really NSFW, by the way.

Polygon is an entertainment website founded in 2012 in partnership with Vox Media. Our mission is to cover not only games but the artists who make them, the fans who love them, and the culture surrounding them.


  1. Watching this at work tho

  2. Oh you do treat me boys. First Car Boys and now this? Have I died and gone to the big busto place in the sky?

  3. I love that Susan tops. God bless.

  4. i was lurking around your steam page griff and i must say i was COMPLETELY correct in my fear of why you had skse on



  7. Lets rename this series to Susan Crushbone’s Femdom Adventures

  8. This is officially published content by

  9. You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people.

  10. Susan is a top, but a gentle and tender one.
    As it should be. Get those chaos emeralds.

  11. Valkyrie McLauchlan

    I cant believe susan crushbone is a trans icon

  12. Forbes is like “What’s our good good media luminary 30 under 30 boy up to in this videOH GOD”

  13. fullmetalwindbreaker

    testjeremybig isn’t a mod, he’s an actual test npc from the vanilla game who escapes his cell sometimes

  14. Hakon One-Eye is one of the nord heroes from the past that you see on the throat of the world when you use the elder scroll…..Griffin is literally trying to pull him from between dimensions asdfghjkl

  15. i love when susan romantically clips through her partners

  16. Griffin I am begging you to please add the vore mod

  17. these soft boys are no longer soft boys

  18. This is my favorite episode you guys have done. You should do Touch the Fallout, too.

  19. Headcanon: Susan is a reality altering orc transwoman who just loves fuckin’.

  20. So, Susan Crushbone is a polyamorous, pansexual, exhibitionist transwoman.

    Nick and Griffin have inadvertently created me.

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