This is not how you fix bruisers… Riot plz

Riot patch 8.4 buffed Resolve tree especially for top laners. Now you will see challenger players spam sustain runes to become almost invincible.

What do you guys think of this change?

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  1. What about the new keystone?

  2. True, liked a lot of the changes but the resolve changes were so dumb.

  3. Honestly they should just readjust healing numbers and remove grevious wounds

  4. no top laners at balance team

  5. Que runas me pongo cuando voy con un tank?

  6. there are actually some retards on reddit saying tanks in toplane require more sustain to be more viable. xd

  7. There was this clip on reddit where Tyler1 was talking about the balance team, he said that the rioters are only thinking about balancing this game, they’re not even playing the game or understand it enough and he’s right.

    I think they’re focusing so much on the theory, leaving aside the practical effect and right now the state of the game is miserable. It’s infuriating when you read PBE patches with the title “More Tentative Balance Changes”, they legit have no idea what they’re doing, just some random stuff and hoping for the best.

  8. no wonder, they hire monkeys to work in balance team

  9. Top isn’t fun anymore

  10. LS called bone plating a good change for toplaners lel

  11. Honestly, it’s about adapting, top lane isn’t the same as in season 2. In my opinion its all about wave control and roaming. It’s not about 1v1 skirmishes, it’s about being an asset to the team. Me for example, I play Sion, rushing banner of command (Found it through, at that time, the highest rated Korean top, laner.) After about 5-8 min into the game, I try to tp bot lane, secure the opponents’ tower and then play the team game. I think a lot of these old school toplaners have to adapt to what the game has become, AKA more team reliant. It isn’t season 2 no more and of course, you’re going to have a bad time if you play like it was.

  12. Riot need to hire actual league players to help with this. So many retired pro’s twiddling their thumbs, give them a chance.

  13. simple fix, put bone plating and second wind in same tree

  14. Played since season 4, finally uninstalled today. Game’s just not fun anymore.. :/

  15. I dont understand. All of you league streamers complain about riot balance but you continue to play League. it makes no sense. youre all sadistic

  16. There is a new keystone coming for precision which is on the PBE rn, it’s called Conquerer and every 4 seconds in combat, your next attack against enemy champions gives you bonus AD and converts a percentage of your damage into true damage for a few seconds, but that buff refreshes every auto on melee champions. So it’s basically a rune for bruisers and will most likely help this tank meta.

  17. Top lane is probably the most braindead role right now. You pick tanks and hope your bot lane don’t feed

  18. I’m just sick of people one shotting me within the 0.3 seconds that they come onto my screen. Tankiness is welcome/

  19. i dont see the problem in not beeing able to cheese your way to victory, get good at macro game and teamfights and actually learn the game. If you relied on solokills to win you are bad.

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