This is J̶e̶f̶f̶ TIM from the Overwatch team

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What is his endgame?
Only time will tell…

I hope Jeff has more special guests in the future. This was fun to make. This was supposed to be a quick, short video but I’ve had very little time for editing these last few weeks. Blah blah usual story.
I’ve got two other videos in the works: one is the standard “make the funny words come out of Jeff’s mouth” dev update style,
the other is similar… but different. Not sure when they’ll be done, I’ll keep chipping away at them.

My special request to Blizzard is a Kaplan x Hawley developer update. Pls make it so.

A big thank you to all my generous supporters:
Caleb Santiago
Jamie McCluskey
Zahir Merchant
Eric Cintron


  1. Tracer dies in infinity war.

  2. Tustle with Tim, prepare for your end


  4. Menepsis - Chasseur d'Easter Eggs

    I’m Tim from the Overwatch Jeff.


  6. Dinoflask and Jeff Kaplan die in Infinity War

  7. Someone translate the Morse code at 0:47, I don’t know how

  8. How dare the authority of the mighty Jeff Kaplan be questioned!

  9. I lost it at the trumpet

  10. Doomfist is after 6 Infinity Stones.


    He wins.

  11. JEFFU CHAN!!!! 1:40

  12. [Jeff attempts to reassert dominance with a strong nod]

  13. Wrestle with Jeff prepare for death! Tim just perverbially wrestled with Jeff, he might not have died in this video but he’s a dead man.

  14. This is pure gold.

  15. 0:50 Jeff looks like hes about to cry

  16. Wrestle with Jeff, prepare for death

    Tussle with Tim, your not gonna win

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