These 5 New Pokemon are FAKE! #shorts

Pokemon has long been a world filled with creatures of ALL shapes, sizes, and kinds, but this reveal about some of the NEW Pokemon really shakes things up!

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Writers: Matthew Patrick and Tom Robinson
Editors: Tyler Mascola
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman

#Pokemon #PokemonShorts #PokemonLore #PokemonTheory #ScarletAndViolet #NewPokemon #Pokémon #PokemonScarletAndViolet #Theory #GameTheory #Matpat


  1. Elite Trainer Kenway

    I’m like 99% sure they stole this from the pokemon theory community

  2. Aliens have been apart of pokemon since clefairy. If you don’t accept that take a look at deoxys

  3. Elgyem and Beeheyum, Clefairy, Deoxys, and Rayquaza and just nonexistent then.

  4. Aliens were confirmed in pokemon before it is not that big of a reveal as you make it up to be and Beheyem is literally an alien pokemon

  5. Of course they’re just robots it’s pretty obvious

  6. I mean aliens already existed in Sun and Moon. Not just the ultra beats but the ultra recon squad too. They have blue skin afterall lol

  7. To be fair, tons of Pokemon are actually aliens.

  8. Video ends at: The fact that.

    me: What…

  9. lunatone is technically an alien pokemon

  10. Aliens have been confirmed for a while:
    Elgyem, Deyoxis, Clerfairy

  11. Thats a funny thing cuz when me and my friend were making a fakemon region, we were planning on making various planets with their own pokemon, sorta like Ultra beasts but much more advanced. That was back when US/UM first came out

  12. Alien pokemon are nothing new, MatPat. Way to be slow to the uptake.

  13. How do I get them

  14. Alien have always been confirmed in pokemon, heck several pokemon are aliens

  15. Well there was that episode in the anime that suggests that the pokemon are aliens from another world so it makes sense why they would do that

  16. It was Dr Light and Dr Willy!

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