The State Of Sterling #5

At last, you will have the opportunity to throw money at us in exchange for nonsense… again! The merch store should be live tomorrow (at the time of talking), so let’s look at what you can get, and why it’s okay that we’re doing the preorder thing!


  1. I like apples.
    I like pie.
    I want to stick a needle *in my eye* .

  2. Sometimes I give myself a self-serving treat in the toilets at work

  3. That took 15 mins……you always leave me amazed at how long-winded you can be about anything.

  4. Jim playing that sweet smooth background music.

  5. FrDougal9000 Reviews

    What’s the music playing in the background? That’s relaxin’ and groovin’, daddio.

  6. That background music takes me back to when I used to go to church. I can imagine Jim sterling showing up as my new pastor, telling the congregation to thank god for him.

  7. The underwear should have Konami on it

  8. confidentPrincessShy

    Life cast dildos? youre damn right im dissappointed jim!!!

  9. So when we getting a JoJo’s reference shirt with Jimtaro and Sterdust Platinum

  10. Which game is playing in the Background?

  11. Could you make Jimquisition winged J logo ball gags? Asking for a friend.

  12. The music makes this seem you are in a fancy bar and we are all hanging out and of course buy your merch, some prints and pints!

  13. Even TotalBiscuit had an exception for preorders. He did a video called Kickstarter vs. Preorders where he explained that the difference was Kickstarter games weren’t going to be made without the funding whereas with preorders you were ordering a game that was already coming out and you should wait for reviews to see if the game was any good since there was no benefits (except minuscule preorder bonuses) for buying in advance. So what you’re doing fits a more Kickstarter-y type situation (i.e. you need the money).

  14. “Its gonna be win win which is not how the world works so now i am suspicious of my own store front!”

    Why Jim F@#&ing Sterling SON is the best

  15. Airskii - Official

    Can you create a PDF for cornflakes hermunculus so that it can be printed on Card and then folded to make a box?

  16. I’m amazed at how far Jim has grown. First he was able to get Hatsune Miku on the Jimquisition, now he was able to get *THE* Street Fighter FROM Street Fighter!

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