The Jimquisition’s Drill Queen Tribute

Taken from The Jimquisition episode “Of Course You Realize, This Means Wargaming.”

Paying tribute to the iconic (real iconic, not Ubisoft iconic) Drill Queen and “Born Depressed.”


  1. you will be missed drill queen

  2. End of an era…

  3. The next theme better be fucking good Jim 🙂

  4. i am very early today. anyone wanna wish me luck on my exams?

  5. I love how this intro makes your channel look like sex products review channel with all the dildos.

    Also I really have to commend your hindsight about this, informing your audience about the change of the intro will prepare them for a new one cus’ it seems like every time a channel changes an intro there’s a horde of disgruntled fans shouting THE OLD WAS BETTER111 and people leaving. So good call.

  6. see you space cowboy …

  7. Being relatively new to the Jimquisition, I don’t have the years of enjoying this opening as some have, but I have re-watched a lot of episodes, and it really is such a catchy and perfect theme. I’m sure Jim knows what he’s doing, and I look forward to whatever song will grace us Monday.

  8. Is that Rich Evans or Jim Sterling?

  9. Still can’t believe it’s being changed. Is this the shark jump moment or is Jim finally growing the beard? (I read too much TV Tropes.)

  10. the other day in school we had to write down someone we wanted to be. i said Jim Sterling and someone asked who is that? i said it doesn’t matter and she said i am going to google him. i said go right ahead. it was the day he uploaded the vibrating dildo segment. she has not spoken to me since.

  11. anyone know why’s he changing away from it?

  12. Confectionery Captains

    Jim has a chain sword


  13. Come on guys. Go show some love to Carl on his patreon 🙁
    Just $90 rn

  14. The new song won’t compare. XD

  15. I mean’t reviewer’s loooooolllllzzzzzzzzz haha

  16. I Believe In Gaming

    Thank GOD for Jim Sterling!
    …or whatever the fuck your name is

  17. Brainpad Consulting

    Bar is HIGH for the next them Jim!

  18. I’m 20% sure the next intro could involve breaking those chains of love…

  19. I forget. What happened to the dildo in the end?

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