The Flock Awakening Teaser

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After centuries being kept hidden from any form of life on the planet, the long forgotten Light Artifacts emerge and awaken the Flock. The Flock will be released 21 august 2015




  1. +Ernie Le Breton We have no interest in wasting resources on people that
    wish to pirate the game. We are an indie company with the goal of
    delivering novel experiences to our players.

  2. +theflockgame
    Just out of curiosity, what would be your stance on people pirating it to
    play AFTER the finale ends?

  3. It’s not single player though, it’s all multiplayer. Yeah pirates will be
    playing with other pirates I guess, but they by virtue of beinb on cracked
    servers can’t influence anything else.

  4. +subprogram32
    this isn’t an mmo, this is a single-player game with always-online drm..
    and always-online drm is being cracked regularly.. even the multiplayer of
    some games, like: battlefield 3,4 has been cracked and is very well
    playable on cracked servers.. besides, many mmorpg’s are also playable on
    private servers.. something like this won’t even be remotely difficult for
    the scene..

  5. +Jason Magnotte You’ll be using the same population pool and we’re aware of
    the issue. If it turns out to be a problem, than we will discuss a fitting
    solution :).

  6. +theflockgame When the Mac version comes out will we have the same
    population or are we coming in at a time where the game is already half way

  7. +Jason Magnotte We have plans to release the game on mac and linux in the
    future. We’ll make sure to announce it as soon as we’re ready.

  8. +Steam Build Yeah i know now. I thought pretty much you only get 1 life

  9. +bakuya99 You can die all you want man

  10. +SuperYasin67 Okay.

  11. +theflockgame Oh okay ^^

  12. +Jakob Lechner Do I get a free virus with it?

  13. +Super Sand Lezbian Super pooper-scoopers are just lurgeend-ah!

  14. wtf is this fool going on about…..or is he being autistic as fuck!

  15. +Looncan Actually, you won’t. Lol.

  16. +Simon Glans The FAQ on The Flock’s website.

  17. +BlueRidiculous Do you have a quote or source? Because that sounds

  18. Also the legitimately lost lives would also be restored, as I recall from
    reading the FAQ.

  19. +theflockgame I think the probelm with your reasoning behind the population
    system is that you make unsuitable comparisons, that don’t really apply t
    your game.

    It’s true that most multiplayer games are pretty much “dead” after a year
    or so, but usually these games “die”, because people stop playing them,
    when they lose interest and don’t WANT to play anymore. The Flock works the
    other way around: The more players are playing the game, the more deaths
    there will be, so the the game will “die” faster. In an exaggerated
    scenario that means if 10 million people want to play the game, it will
    pretty much be dead after 30 minutes. Or the other way around: If your
    player base is leaving and there are literally 0 people left, it will go on
    “forever” or at least until you stop supporting the game. So this system is
    basically designed in a way to give players the opposite of what they want,
    isn’t it?

    I can understand that you want your game to have some kind of ending, so it
    doesn’t drag on forever, but I also think that there is a difference
    between “having an ending” and “being erased from existence after one
    playthrough”. After reading a book I don’t immediately burn it. After
    watching a movie, I don’t throw the DVD out of the window. And after
    playing a video game I don’t break the disk, so I never have to play it
    again. After finishing any kind of medium, I keep it so I can consume it
    again whenever I feel like it. That doesn’t make my memories of the
    experience any worse. It just means that my memories of it are so good,
    that I want to revisit it.
    You also mentioned, that you can’t play a horror game forever, which might
    be true, but that still doesn’t mean that you can only play it one single
    time. Lots of people just grab their favourite games from time to time and
    play them again. Of course people will not play Silent Hill for months, but
    maybe they will play through it once every 3 years or so, simply because
    it’s that good. And then there are people, who only find out that there
    even is a game like Silent Hill years after it’s release and totally enjoy
    it. This is something that will never happen, if your game runs on a

    The thing is this: What argument is there against doing the whole “200
    million population” thing as some kind of MMO-ish starting event, after
    which you shut down the games servers, but still allow players to play it
    on LAN partys or private servers with smaller population limits? That way
    there might be someone in 3 years checking the summer sale on Steam,
    thinking that “The Flock”, this game he never heard about, might be
    interesting. He get’s 3 friend over to play it for a weekend with a
    population size of 200 or something like that, then they reach the end and
    had fun. You get money, they enjoy it, so everybody wins. It seems like a
    way better solution, then erasing your game from existence after a few
    The whole idea of only allowing what is essentially a single “playthrough”
    of your game begs the question: Do you have so little faith in your game,
    that you think people will not in a million years want to play it more than
    one time?

  20. The gameplay is terrible

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