Terror of Darkshore

The conflagration of war continues to burn brightly between the Horde and Alliance. Even as the Horde continues to entrench themselves within Darkshore all is not quiet on the warfront.


  1. Malfurion and Tyrande are coming back <3 Finally the Night Elves which I used to know.

  2. Talk about a power couple. Wouldn’t want to be an orc in Darkshore rn.

  3. They were not prepared

  4. Doesn’t matter how cool Malfurion is in this cut scene, he’s still the world’s worst brother.

  5. *FEEL THE HATRED OF TEN THOUSAND YE—-* wait a minute……..

  6. “Come, you night elves! Where is the fire and the passion with which you fought so long ago?!?”

    A few games later…

  7. Illidan would be happy his brother finally lifts a finger.

  8. I play Horde, but THAT is a Malfurion and Tyrande I could rally behind.


  10. If HotS has taught me anything, Tyrande will use that owl to snipe Nathanos from the other side of the warfront.

  11. Malfurion : tell her she is not prepared !

  12. Malfurion is no longer AFK.

  13. he killed healer first

  14. That is the fastest I’ve ever seen a kodo move.

  15. Even Malfurion has given up on feral.

  16. Feral is so bad right now Malfurion chose Bear form to dps…

  17. This is why you don’t say “Teldrassil was just a tree”

  18. The savage moment Malfurion pins the troll against the tree for some reason reminds me of their two races’ shared ancestry…

  19. Anyone else thinking that Tyrande’s owl has the most judgmental stare an owl(or any other animal) can have?

  20. Shivers at that reprise of Nightsong, though…anyone???

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