Team Liquid LoL | Welcome Back Doublelift – LCS Starting Roster

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We are proud to welcome our starting AD Carry Liquid Doublelift to Team Liquid’s NA LCS squad.

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  1. I am a TL fan now.

    Undefeated season inc

  2. Where they bleeped out the name. I’m almost 100% sure its going to be Aphromoo considering he said veterans and Olleh isn’t a big vet that is a leader like aphro.

  3. Aphromoo TL Suppport? is it the censored player ?

  4. steve should teach doublelift to use flash

  5. Damn the TSM and TL videos were literally released back to back

  6. Tl Aphromoo.

    Quote me

  7. Let’s get that 4th place back !

  8. Rip Doublelifts career

  9. TSM Zven?

  10. Instant tl fan now. Hi guys

  11. Oh boy team liquid. I hope your ready for a shit load of more fans

  12. TL aphromoo?

  13. I do hope TSM gets dicked on this year, but i still love bjerg though… lol

  14. probably the right move but i still love my boy Piggy ;_;

  15. He is the only TSM roster change i’m salty about. WHY THE HELL?

  16. I was not a supporter of TSM, I was a supporter of you, the best adcarry na, and now you are here, back in TL, I will be supporting TL and hoping you will destroy TSM. Keep it up doublelift

  17. Best adc but he got sacked LUL

  18. Since Doublelift saved his flash from Worlds, does that mean he’ll be starting the season with 2 flashes?

  19. I really dislike your high ego and egocentric attitude. You act like you are the best player in the region and you never have any mistakes. Even though you are indeed a very good adc, you need to be more humble and be thankful for your past teams since thats what shaped you and made what you are today. Guys like you never get far, perhaps thats why TSM never managed to find much success internationally. Having lots of titles and accomplishments means nothing if your attitude and sportsmanship is as trash as yours. Anyway, good luck in your future endeavors.

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