FCC Votes To Kill Net Neutrality

The FCC did what we expected them to do and rolled over for the lobbyists of Verizon, AT&T and those scumbags at Comcast. Most of us – save for a handful of corporations and their self-defeating lapdogs – severely dislike this, but what people want doesn’t matter, apparently.

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Paladins’ Loot Boxes Are A Bit Too Battlefront II

The industry’s addiction to loot boxes mirrors that of the “whales” they’re so ready to exploit. It’s now spread to Paladins, which has updated to share eerie similarities with Battlefront II. Because doing that right now was a clever idea. __ PC Gamer article: http://www.pcgamer.com/paladins-players-angry-over-new-loot-box-based-progression-system/

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