SUNRISE SURVIVAL – Dry Sausage Not Fry? Why Not Fry?

Dry Sausage Not Fry


  1. Sir Jhart Of Astora

    Wait so how is steam direct different than steam greenlight? I’m still seeing a lot of bad games

  2. What are your thoughts on gamevice suing Nintendo because they think the switch copied their mobile gaming device thing

  3. thank god for jim

  4. I was so shocked to see Jim shoot up that guy. What are the chances of finding anyone else in this piece of shit, let alone Jim showing an ounce of skill and killing them?

  5. As bad as this game is and looks, I do love the guy who was playing the guitar. That was actually somewhat charming and added a little personality to the world.

  6. The Stoned Videogame Nerd

    I hate this “Online Open World everyone has a Gun and wants to shoot you Games” too….cause im a Nice Guy…i dont shoot People in the back for no Reason not even in Games ;)…… when i discover a other Player..i try to make Friends with them….and often they abuse that soo much….like they wait until you let them in your Home etc and then they just murder you and steal everything….shouting insults of how stupid you are over voicecomm in the voice of a 10 yr old…..

  7. What the fuck is he doing with his right hand to hold the shotgun in that manner?

  8. you seriously didn’t see the guy on top of the rock?? … YOU DIDN’T SEE THE GUY!!!! … maybe cause I play shooters and I honed that skill but that guy was easy to spot

  9. Patates kızartması

    so some russian dude tried to make online open world version of stalker

  10. y o u f u c k i n g f u c k h a h a

  11. These look like assets taken straight from STALKER, right down to the guitar playing animations and the sausages. There was a previous game you reviewed where I noticed one of the buildings appeared to be the Russian army outpost from STALKER. This makes me believe that the STALKER assets must be either available for sale in the Unity store or ripped and available by torrent.

  12. Whoah. Some of those buildings are literally pulled straight from S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl. Cheeky.

  13. Why is he so skinny.

  14. Saw the name of the game. Survival? Oh boy, this is gonna be a bumpy ride.
    Then the “feet” thing. Aw man, here we go.
    Microtransactions? Yup, definitely utter shite.

    Edit: Ok, in hindsight I’ve seen worse but it definitely is no S.T.A.L.K.E.R. either.

  15. That was obviously an anomaly Jim! This game looks like a low budget fan attempt at an MMO S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience so I can kinda see the appeal.

  16. 13:23 omfg this really is a S.T.A.L.K.E.R rip off XDDDDDDDDDD

  17. Wow. You tried to follow the bleeping of the radiation warner.
    That bleeping means go away. Because radiation kills you.
    Well, it would really take days or weeks, even after heavy dosage, unless you have yourself a strontium sausage.
    But in this game it kills you fast. Apparently someone left the reactor in this house open or whatever.

  18. “Mr. Shotgun how are you?”
    “I’m pumped.”

  19. One day when you’re playing a game like this, I’d like to see a player who recognizes you and wants to be friendly. And they’re on voice chat and very Russian, calling out something like “Jim Fuckingsterlingson, I am comrade! Now we are comrade!”

    And then you play a very shitty survival game with somebody who has your back for a few minutes. That’ll at least be something new.

    Otherwise…this game is very much a Stalker rip-off.

  20. Fernando Perdices Casado

    So proud of you, I was a bit upset at first when you turned around the other side of where the shoots where coming, but you compensated your lack of ears with good thinking, great job 🙂
    btw you can see him at the top of the rock at 5:01

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