Sonic Forces – I’m Not SAYING It’s Better Than Zelda (Jimpressions)

Sonic Forces is that other Sonic game. The one that lets you make your own furry fursona to fur up the place.


  1. Cala Maria Wants To Blow You!

    Sonic forces me to choke on his knob

  2. the heck is a fursona?

  3. InvestigativeSlacker

    Nothing personnel kid!!

  4. I hope Deviantart is happy now !

  5. Woah, two good sonic games in a row? This is truly the end times

  6. “I’m not saying it’s better than Zelda”
    Oh Jim, what have you done.
    The Nintendo fanboys are coming….

  7. Alright bois time to make some rule 34

  8. I’m Not SAYING Jim’s Better Than God….

    But he probably is

  9. There's a starman waiting in the sky

    I’ve been seeing so many mixed reviews for this game. Maybe I’m spoiled by Odyssey because it’s one of my favourite games to come out this year, but this game looks so… okay. Not amazing but not terrible either.

  10. This is why I trust you Jim! You never jump on bandwagons, you do your own thing and therefore I can truly trust your opinion. And Im glad to see a creator I trust so much, is actually coming up and talking against the baseless hate train that launches whenever a non-classic Sonic game is released.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

  11. “I’m not saying it’s better than Zelda.”

    *Goes into bomb shelter for the next year.*

  12. Don’t worry about what the other reviewers are saying Jim.
    Honestly You’re one of the few game critics on the internet with any credibility left.

  13. As a Sonic fan, I’m pissed off at the way the physics are made in this game. Everyone is so heavy that moving them around feels difficult. Also you can’t turn around after performing the homing attack which really fucks you over in some places. it’s okay but it should be fantastic.

  14. Do you hear that? That’s the sound of TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF SONIC!!!!

  15. My thing with sonic games is: Are they unplayable broken trash? If not, it is already a good Sonic game..

  16. Sounds almost like ‘Generations 2’ so that’s good. I might have to pick this one up – once I’m done shooting alternate reality Nazis, naturally.


  18. Cue comments to the effect of “Jim Sterling is a fucking hack” *yawn* in 3… 2… 1…

  19. 9:16


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