Saint Row – Saints Broke (Jimpressions)

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The new Saints Row? Yeah, it’s not so great.

#SaintsRow #Volition #OpenWorld #Action #PS5 #Xbox #PC #JimSterling #Jimpressions #Games #Gaming #Videogames


  1. I just don’t see it. My experience with this game so far (approx 20 hours) is that it’s honestly the best one so far. It’s like if sr3 had actual effort put in. They brought back everything I missed from SR2. Every side activity has purpose and mini narratives woven in like in SR2. The missions don’t just teleport you around disjointedly like SR3, you actually get the connective tissue between events.
    There are a few things other SR games have done better, but looked at as a whole package, this is my favourite.

  2. Very meh. It’s a shame.

  3. Those first 22 seconds were the best , just having fun with a broken toy.

  4. At least Gat Out Of Hell is no longer the worst game in the franchise.

  5. Gat Out Of Hell, man I loved that musical

  6. I keep hearing people mentioning how terrible the music is.
    What exactly IS on the radio now?

  7. The sad thing is, the “millennial crime sandbox with massive customization” was done better by Watch Dogs 2, which had the off-the-wall humour of Saints Row in a more down-to-earth setting. Yes, technically you were vigilantes rather than gangsters, but the same energy seems to be what Volition was trying for here. Wrench felt like a Saints Row character (zany gimmick, wisecracker, but an emotional core beneath) and as janky as some bits of Watch Dogs 2 were (the multiplayer, in particular) it was, well, a working game. Hate Ubisoft, but it knocked it out of the park compared to this.

  8. Saints Row has become a basic bitch >.>

  9. It’s Taints row now, this used to be a hairy game.

  10. The in game radio sucks? Must not be a classic hip hop or metal kind of gal, both of those stations are great.

  11. See, this is the thing about open world games. *All* open world games. They universally have the same horrible failings, and only the very very good ones can make up for it.

    As much as I can appreciate peoples’ experience and different tastes, knowing that Elden “Give people fuck-all direction, slightly-advanced goomba stomping for combat, nothing to do for vast swathes of time but make numbers go up, and a world littered with compelling characters but a near-psychotically aggressive lack of any real storytelling” Ring is likely to be the direction games move in the future is objectively a nightmare scenario that should horrify *everyone*.

    Because the future torrent of inevitable open world soulslikes that games will be isn’t going to have carefully-placed enemies and creatively considered level design in every environment. Or a broken enemy system balanced out by the sheer variety of ways you can adjust the actually-laughably-simple combat mechanics. Or fantastical and varied environmemt designs in every direction you go, sometimes leading to truly breathtaking pieces of design work. Those things take time and effort.

    They’re going to have the bad parts. Only those. And they are very, *very* bad.

  12. The fact I can’t fuck all my comrads in this game like in 4 is a crime.

  13. On the topic of the soundtrack, what about the Nuclear Blast metal station? There’s some real bangers there.

  14. I have been dreading this one. When I saw the first trailers for the reboot it looked a bit too hipstery for me, like a more homicidal Watchdogs 2. I loved the previous games, having gotten into the series with 3 and really jiving with how zaney those games went. This has hints of that but just not enough to really stand out. I like the style and the setting of this, going with a So-Cal/close to the border of Mexico feeling but the Saints Row elements we know feel kind of tacked on top of it.

  15. Took a while, but I see you managed to get onto the tail end of that bandwagon. This game is perfectly fine and they are addressing bugs quickly.

  16. the later saints row games are best known as the latter day saints

  17. Wow Jim, guess Saints Row really pissed you off and by the seeing you play it, can’t say i blame you.

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