Pulsefire Teaser | League of Legends

Teaser video for a bit of an easter egg VO Line which was added to the PBE.
The Voice Over Line triggers when Ezreal First Moves.

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  1. 😉

  2. League-Gaming_2016

    pls riot update this ugly outdated ezreal skin !

  3. uhm, better nerf irelia

  4. Pulsefire Caitlyn and Ezreal like in the skin leak most likely.

    Just hurry up with the Star Guardian Syndra.

  5. If Pulsefire becomes a skin line, then by God, make the Dunkmasters a line too. Heck, make a full team. 3 Pointer Ziggs, Dunkmaster Illaoi, Dunkmaster Vi, Trickshot Singed, DO IT RIOT!

    Illaoi: Q would have a tentacle with basketball at the end, tentacle has a “headband”. W is obvious. E would be the same probably. Ult creates a giant court with tentacles, also with “headbands” and jerseys and basketballs. Tentacles would dribble as their idle animations

    Vi: Ult would have Vi shove the opponent down a hoop., the rest would be pretty similar though.

    Singed: Leaves behind water with Q. W creates a court. E would have different animations each time, causes a hoop to appear where Singed would toss the fool. Ult is just maybe a recolor.

    Ziggs: Q is a basketball. W is maybe a springboard. E is a field of blazing basketballs. Ult would cause a court to appear where it would land, with a giant hoop serving as ground zero.

  6. Die Euromünzen

    clearly pulsefire ivern teaser

  7. Christopher Fassih

    So Ezreal can have a pulsefire tease but GRAVES CAN’T HAVE A CIGAR?

  8. hahahah if this isn’t a pulsefire ez rework (which is discounted for the first 3 months) then riot literally does not give a fucking shit about this game

  9. My God you guys are so dumb
    It’s obvious this is a teaser for the new FPS mode duh

  10. Croustibatte Debase-ball

    I just want Cosmic Blade Yasuo rito please

  11. Damian WÅ‚odarczyk

    If Caitlyn can have a legendary Pulsefire skin, does this mean that Diana can have an Elementalist legendary skin?

  12. Its pulsfire caitlyn

  13. That was legit like all of PF Ezreal’s lines in one teaser.

  14. It’s most liklely caitlyn because she has simmilar voice line, is friend with ezrael and was made by the same guy(ezrael)

  15. Valentina Laurent

    0:58 Caitlyn’s voice? o.O

  16. Finally it becomes a Pulsfire Urgot skin

  17. Man, I was really hoping that the next Ultimate Skin might be for a top laner so we could finally have a team where everyone has an ultimate skin. It would mean that a group of pompous assholes with their mom’s bank accounts could flaunt themselves, but that already happens with Ultimate Skins. Elementalist Lux = mid, DJ Sona = supp, Pulsefire Ezreal = ADC, Spirit Guardian Udyr = jungler…We just need a top laner, damn it!

  18. so did riot go back on their word about ultimate skins being unique

  19. Hope they update Pulsefire Ezreal while they at it

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