Portal 2 : World Record


  1. Joshua 'TheTrueMaster' Baptista

    Portal 2?


    but knack 3 is a close match aswell …

  2. I remember when this used to be a *MINECRAFT* channel

    You’ve changed Dunkey…..

  3. hello videogamedunkey, i am outraged at this video as it is clearly not a world record for any of the chambers or the full coop campaign. You also included many cuts and splices in between chambers which invalidates the run from being accepted onto any leaderboard whatsoever. This is not a joke. As some one who has 2000+ hours in this videogame
    I request you remove your video before I tell youtube to demonetize it for harassment.

  4. Dunkey is that one friend who just annoys you until you go insane ?

  5. So Long Gay Glados

  6. “Now drop it in the water” 6:65 Edit: 6:55

  7. Philippe Svensson

    Didn’t know Madden had a Co-op mode

  8. everybody keeps commenting on the mic quality, but honestly it makes everything a million fucking times funnier idk why

  9. Now get the Knack world record

  10. Playing with Jason must be like playing The Last Guardian

  11. It’s okay to lust after robots. It isn’t gay.

  12. does dunkey just have a stable of gay black guys who he plays video games with?

  13. friendship with sky over
    I’m friends with pbat now

  14. Copper – Zinc – Gallium

    Silver – Cadmium – Indium

    Gold – Mercury – Thalium

  15. Fuck you Black. I don’t like your Dunkey because you are videos.

  16. i love your videos leafy

  17. I do not like pbat because he is white

  18. Christiaan Bruin

    I dont know. I think he kinda dropped the ball on this one.

  19. this reminds me of that time spaghetti dont like sky because he is black and meatballs!!!

  20. Why is there so much hate for this video? I thought it was funny, I mean what do you expect, it ain’t scripted..

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