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A Greenlight Good Stuff alumni. There’s real promise here, it just needs a little something extra.


  1. Oh I remember this one. Try to draw the cornflake homunculus! LET HIM BE IMMORTALIZED!

  2. Veins of vomit squad?

  3. Bob Ross Simulator

  4. Dear Jim, could you please stroke my penis and call me daddy since you clearly drew a picture of my penis that you love so much as the title?

  5. Of course George R.R. Martin is interested in the penis picture.

  6. If everything is art, then why do we need artists?

  7. wonder if the drawing works with a wacom!

  8. JellyfishOverlord

    Is the framerate really that bad in-game as well, or is it a video rendering issue?

  9. Octopus with only 6 legs?! Blasphemy!

  10. Selling dickpics on the street
    What a marvelous game

  11. Chungus – noun: An inherently funny name devised by Jim F-ing Sterling, Son, used whenever He’s prompted to enter a name.

  12. A small warning to all people who are thinking about buying this game:
    There really isnt much more to it than Jim showed in this video. He allready unlocked all the tools and couldve basicaly finished the game for a couple more minutes. Its really short and has nearly no replay value. The ending is disapointing to. For 9$ thats really not enough. Thats just my 2 cents.

  13. I love that someone looked at “Some Abstract Shit, Innit?” and said “It’s really basic, innit?”
    That’s some serious sass, but god damn it, I love it!

  14. Vitárius László

    we enjoy the video jim its nice to see what’s in your mind

  15. Fido Kitsune Fox

    9:47 Modern Art critics be like:

  16. Flamebait Games

    Thanks again for featuring us when the game was on Greenlight! Videos like this also serves as a great learning experience 🙂

    Also, nice pile of feces at the end

  17. The music is incredibly peaceful and lovely.

  18. BigDaddyInfinite

    Screamy Chungus was a strangely good picture

  19. This looks to be a charming lil’game

  20. kind of dig this chill game play suits Jim’s style.

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