NEW LIANDRY’S BROKEN?! 210 AP Morde R vs 10K HP Cho’Gath!

Brand and Morde are gonna be fun :D.
Thanks for all the subs, likes, comments and shares! Helps me a lot!


  1. Can’t wait for the patch, it’s gonna be fun <3.
    Seriously though, nice to see AP items being reworked (maybe we will get rid of morello as first item on 99% of mages), just not sure how it's gonna do.
    Have a good day!

  2. If you watch Vandiril’s stream, you can see him vand-irl


  4. Can you imagine that Teemo’s mushrooms?

  5. Even riot forgot about Mordekaiser

  6. Mordekaiser mains 100% of league of bronze now

  7. I think u should test it with stoneplate on cho 😉

  8. little cho looks so cute

  9. Just slightly buffed this item to bring mordekaiser back to meta

    Nothing too strong or weak

  10. You are forgetting about singed

  11. “Mordekaiser has been disabled”

  12. Best Udyr Multi Server

    Hey guys, do you remember that employer who buff galio Q? Well he is back.

  13. Oh I see you’re an regular reddit user Vandiril 😀

  14. already nerfed on pbe from 2% to 1,5% LUL

  15. Aurélion Sol l'incurvé

    What is the item under the book at 00:32 ?

  16. ThemFastRabbitt Nigga

    gj riot

  17. Thats




  18. Lol Zoe can do the same damage in a second, except it’s not armour piercing

  19. Time to play Brand again bois

  20. What have you done now Rito…

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