[NEW HERO – COMING SOON] Orisa Origin Story | Overwatch

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Catch up with robotics prodigy Efi Oladele and meet her newest creation: Orisa!

Learn more about Orisa : http://blizz.ly/Orisa
Read the PTR patch notes: http://blizz.ly/2mQ0WqI


  1. RooksAndReshiram

    Wait… look on her page on Blizzard. It says this.
    “Twenty years later, Numbani revived and recommissioned the OR14 program to protect the city from external threats. These new OR15s were deployed for a short time before they were destroyed in an attack by Doomfist.”
    Doomfist #25 confirmed???

  2. i now ship bastion x orisa for the same reason i ship pharah x mercy

  3. ChaseDaMLGLord Gaming

    “Doomfist attacked?”
    He’s close. I can smell the Old Spice from here

  4. OneJapTwoStraight

    When everyone wanted Ana, I wanted Liao, when everyone wanted Sombra, I wanted Liao, when everyone wanted Doomfist, I wanted Liao. I still want Liao. But I actually really love Orisa and Efi

  5. Efi’s voice is so cute

  6. Erm I’m just scrolling to find Orisa x bastion shippers.
    Don’t mind me..

  7. we need a dog hero I want a good boy on my team

  8. All I see in the comments are people complaining about other people complaining about it being a female, I’ve yet to come across a single one of the anti female complainers though.

  9. Lol, I’m seeing more comments from people saying that others are complaining that there’s too many female heroes than I’m seeing people actually say that

  10. Sees no comments complaining about her being female, only sees comments about how she looks awesome and also comments like y is “everyone” complaining that shes female

  11. I see more people complaining about people disliking the female characters then people disliking the female characters lol

  12. A black character FANTASTIC

  13. What a second, Doomfist attacked Numbadi?

  14. Oh, I get it! OR15A.. ORISA..
    Pretty cheeky Blizzard!

  15. I just ate a burrito.

  16. I’m seeing more people complaining about people complaining about people being upset by the character being female than I am seeing people complaining about people complaining about the new hero being female


    99% people complaining about people complaining about her being female

    1% people complaining about her being female

  18. Justin Lattimore


  19. “Where are all the girl robots?”

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