League is Running Out of Garbage Champions

A discussion about old champions, their place in the game (if any), and outskilling flashy assassins.



  1. I miss old Katarina. She was a garbage champion, but way more fun. The simplicity was great.

  2. Great vid as always

  3. can we agree that Udyr is fine and dooesn’t need to be reworked
    However he does need a Goddamn Visual update for his base skin.
    Edit: wow he actually mentioned that in the video, that’s what i get for not waiting.

  4. You are honestly on of the most underappreciated content creators i have ever seen. Your editing, voiceover and gameplay are top tier, and you deserve a lot more credit. Keep up the great work:))

  5. I disagree with the whole idea that champions should be simple. Yes, it is daunting for a new player, but games over the last couple years have been moving in that direction and audiences have learned to expect such complexity from their games/classes/champions.

    Look at Battlerite for instance. Brand new game, yet it’s very skill based, but still accessible to new players.

    Like books and series before it, the complexity of games has only gone up over the years. You got to remember that those champions are over 5 years old at this point.
    Read “Everything bad is good for you”. The book details how media has become more complex over the years.

    Playing something like Nunu isn’t rewarding because you outskilled the enemy, but because you cheesed them. That’s not fair or fun or skillful, for the most part.

  6. “Let’s make a point that could’ve been made in a minute and draw it out with 7 minutes of dumpster tier humor due to awkward delivery and cookie cutter meme imagery”

  7. “Some straight up failed”
    Ah yes, like the assassin update.

  8. no way new graves is less clunky or more interesting

  9. Nunu is definitely a garbage champion

  10. Fantastic video, I agree entirely. I’ll see you at 1 million subs 😉

  11. if you spent 1000 hours playing jayce and get rekt by nunu then you are probably shit. These are type of players who are probably toxic and complaint a lot when they are just bad.

  12. I think you are trying waaaay too hard to be funny in your video that you keep going away from the red thread all the time. Which makes the video cringey a lot of times in the video.

    Why don’t you make a consist video instead and keep yourself to the point? Your 8 min video could have easily been a 4 min video and audience will not get bored already after 2 min… Just saying because this can be improved a lot!

    There should be some balance between funny video and informative. Now, this video is a parody of itself and that’s a waste of potential. Keep it short but to the point instead of going for the comedy all the time, you can easily balance it out!

  13. I’m uninstalling League if they change the cursor

  14. The cheesy skits detract from the video

  15. As a content creator myself I know the effort that goes into these videos, and I think you did a great job. Also I thought the bit in the middle was hilarious! Most of the video was actually pretty funny. I subbed and am looking forward to some more videos as good as this one!

  16. You seem like you keep forgetting something.

    There has to be some targeted skills as a counterplay to mobility. Otherwise champions such as Kalista are unstoppable.

  17. I love simpler champions. I play maokai and nasus all the time to wreck those riven and yasuo mains. They say I play bullshit champions, but they don’t see that they’re fighting me among my 7 minions while they don’t have flash or his main ability is on cooldown or I’m over his level. These salty bois will only rant.

  18. your jokes are fine and all, but for example that “conversation” with chogath was WAY too long. your more off hand jokes and miniskits are alright and do add to the video. i think the chogath conversation is really the only like “big” problem with this, although i do also feel the video is slightly overlong and a bit repetitive.

    you make me think 3kliksphillip, but for league of legends. deep analysis with a sort of silly and fun presentation. cool style of videos, keep going.

  19. Less clunky? Only rework that was succesful was gps and warwicks, since you couldn’t really go wrong with either one of them. Leblancs, rengars and graves’ reworks are something that should be reverted.

  20. Thank you Reddit for showing me this awesome YTer! loved the video! <3

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