Kobolds And Catacombs Card Reveal: Unstable Evolution

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Video Editor: ZeForte


  1. Hey it’s jeff from the overwatch team, oh wrong game

  2. “result may vary” LUL

  3. “skill” shut the fuck up thijs

  4. What repetable means ? That you get the card back after you cast it or you can choose how much mana spend and you cast it X times ?

  5. Shaku, the Collecterino Kripperino

    Dont really understand this mechanic
    Do you get this card back to your hand after you play it and at the end of the turn it disappears?

    Ps: Me hungry, you yummy

  6. Evolve into sorcerers apprentice, evolve whole board to deathwings.

  7. Seems good but its just another target for Gheist xD

  8. Skulking Geist would like to have a word.

  9. This card needs some gameplay footage to clarify what it does.

  10. Memes and Hearthstone

    Drinking game: whenever Thijs says “Evolve” take a shot

  11. This card is so strong! You can evolve all your minions to “perfect” minions, if you have the mana

  12. Evolve 1-drop into sorcerer’s apprentice -> Evolve until the end of days Kreygasm

  13. Shaman got a good card finally.

  14. New card haHAA

  15. OP with auctioneer

  16. Yogg gonna be MENTAL

  17. Atleast we have a new replacement for “Evolve” after WoOG leaves Standard.

  18. So… miracle Shaman? If you stick a Gadgetzan Auctioneer , can you use this to draw a bunch of times?

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