kILL THE TROLLS – Shooter Tactics Returns & Valve Needs To Stop This Unhappy Man

Seriously, “kILL THE TROLLS” should not be a thing, nor should this man have been allowed to keep this going.


  1. needed some Jim Sterling today

  2. I really hate this fucko. Actually is he the one who made that greenlight game where you kill gay people? I can’t even remember.

  3. 0:41 that model just spassed out the game WTF.

  4. 0:40 he shot that guy and his corpse glitched out and vanished. He actually chose to put that in the trailer? Quality product!
    It looks just as shit as it always has and i’m on my way to Greenlight to downvote this game all over again.

  5. You can walk into the middle of the street, pull down your pants, and take a big steaming shit.

    But don’t expect people to appreciate it.

  6. Is there a reason why the first “K” isn’t capitalized?

  7. Can I tell you what the definition of insanity is?

    tldr: This dev

    If you look under the Oxford English dictionary for ‘insanity’, this man’s face and corresponding game will pop up.

  8. 2:13 “Kill the trolls by voting and commenting against them…”
    That’s not how they work

  9. Unmitigated Disaster

    This game really peaked with it was called ‘Tactical Anal Insertion”

  10. Hey isn’t the map at 0:34 the one from Second Warfare? You know I recently watched a video about the author of Empress Theresa, a novel of fanfiction quality published on amazon kindle by a highly narcissistic man who can’t handle criticism and always tries to prove his intelectual superiority to others. I’m getting the same vibe with this guy, he thinks his game is hot shit and can not comprehend that other people think differently. The guy needs therapy, badly.

  11. People like this really piss me off as an aspiring game dev. The fact that some schitzo with 200 bucks and a pirated copy of Unity can make a game that looks like a decent ps3 game with minimal effort makes the entire industry feel cheap.

  12. As an Australian, I apologise on behalf of all Aussies who have been horrendously misrepresented by this douche-nugget.

  13. Greenlight just can’t die fast enough, can it? Hell, even then, this fucker won’t stop trying.

  14. Aw, I was expecting a game about shooting down trolls (the fantasy creatures), _not_ people…

  15. Kelleric Longstar

    So this is how this Dev deals with criticism. Making a assist flip that features you murdering trolls.

    Yeah that’s how you deal with cyber bullying. What a great message Dev. Bravo. Very mature.???(sarcasm)

  16. Isn’t this the same guy that insisted that we should want this game because it was free? I mean, the gross, rotting, half-eaten burger on the side of the road is free but that isn’t going to stop me from continuing my trip to the local Pizza place.

  17. The Nobody14200

    It’ll all be over soon. We just have to keep going.

  18. Is it unkind to suggest the only reason the title is like that is because he didn’t know his caps lock key was on?

  19. I just realised

    That’s the Sims theme for decoration

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