Jeff Kaplan Responds to IGN’s Overwatch Comments

IGN has one of the most active comments sections on the Internet. We showed Jeff some of our favourites.

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  1. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, always watch the developer updates

  2. Mess with the Jeff and die like the rest

  3. The love i feel for this man is on the very line of homosexuality.

  4. The dumb gorilla sitting in the zoo probably does more damage than winston.

  5. This video needs a part 2.
    And 3.
    And 4.

  6. What the profanity.

  7. Gorillas don’t even climb in the wild, adult gorillas are too heavy to climb branches without breaking them, and their skeletons and muscles aren’t adapted to climbing.

    And besides, Winston isn’t a gorilla.

    He’s a scientist.

  8. Can we get a Bastion spray in the future that says “Delet this”

  9. Notice how he didn’t say anything about the Doomfist tweet. Very suspicious…

  10. i can see it now, Junkrat with a garterbelt and stockings over his… robotic pegleg?

  11. Jeff is such a sweetheart. I think I’m gonna go buy about 25 lootboxes to help support him and his small indie company, Blizzard Entertainment.

  12. “I can personally vouch for 3 copies sold…and we’re proud of that”

  13. “Were not really into making male characters” Jeff Kaplan 2017

  14. Jeff Kaplan is my spirit animal

  15. DinoFlask, its your move

  16. “it’s less about nerf south korea, and more about buff the rest of the world” daayyyummmm sonnnn

  17. *Guy shits on Orisa’s design*
    *Kaplan offers him a job to see if he can do better*

  18. Overwatch balancing in a nutshell: If everything is overpowered, nothing is

  19. *”I want Doomfist,”*

    jeff: *chuckles and says nothing*

  20. José The Mexican

    Did Jeff just tell the rest of the world to git gud?

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