Irelia Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends

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Irelia’s blades can be a graceful dance – or a furious tempest. Click “see more” to witness what else the Blade Dancer can do.

Irelia Reveal

Irelia Bio

Irelia Short Story


  1. *Patiently waits for Irelia to be harshly nerfed to the ground*

  2. The puns are strong in this one

  3. PlayingWithMahWii

    “On your mark, reset, go.”

    … All right, I actually kind of liked that one.

  4. “This is Irelia , the *T H I C C”*

  5. So, where’s the teamfight segment? The recommended runes and items segment?
    These champion spotlights are getting shorter with every new release/rework.

  6. Rip ADC mains ?

  7. Ireliavant… wow phreak just wow.

  8. *_-ireliavent-_*

  9. Better nerf Irelia..

  10. Riot, making cancerous champions even more cancerous since 2010.

  11. *but everything changed when the fire nation attacked*

  12. She’s like a fidget spinner made from salt!

  13. Came for the puns… They made the cut.

  14. The Cool Persian

    This is definitely Phreak’s punniest performance.

  15. Irelia, the Blade Cancer*

  16. GG well *blade*

  17. Now Irelia isnt ireliavant anymore!

  18. “Better nerf Irelia” that’s all I heard…

  19. phire freak

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