INTEGRITY – The $10 Assset Flip With $100 DLC

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Somehow, the garbage on Steam still finds the occasional rare way to surprise me. Now let’s look at a $10 asset flip selling a single costume for a hundred bucks.


  1. oh i’m sorry i didn’t realise IQ could be in the negative values when it comes to game design…

  2. This developer thinks this game is worth $100 for DLC?


    The OST you listen to when you really need to *Go!*–>

  4. this is why I don’t want a PC.

  5. Streets Of Rage music! The factory level if memory serves me well

  6. Maybe that tree identifies as a bird, you hater.

  7. This absolutely HAS to be some perverse way to money-launder. I mean, the dev MIGHT just be a stupid lazy talentless schmuck, that’s entirely possible, but this seems….really dodgy.

  8. Revolver/Shalashaska Ocelot

    What the fuck are you bloody talking about, Jim? You clearly aren’t intelligent enough to understand the deep symbolism of this game. My game of the year.

  9. That’s the default Unreal Template Character, with the free animation starter pack. The animation starter pack doesn’t have a gun-less idle animation, therefore the dummy just holds an invisible gun.

    (weirdly enough there is a gun-less idle in the 3rd person template… huh)

  10. This game is battlefront 2 for the single a industry

  11. Did anyone else notice that as Jim was falling off the map, the bottoms of the trees made a weird face?

  12. When that sledgehammer animation happened, I lost my mind completely.

  13. Why only pick on the little guys of steam? how about the port that doesn’t support Mouse on PC like Nioh?

  14. Steam Directly to the rubbish bin.

  15. Jim, why do you bother complaining about the $100 DLC? As you can see, it has NO effect on the overall gameplay and is purely cosmetic. No one is FORCING you to buy it. Why not covet something more positive?

  16. Robot is Unreal’s default skeletal mesh meant to be just a placeholder for an actual game model.
    Animations are free to download on UE marketplace.
    In fact, I’m pretty sure someone, somewhere, made this as a “survival” tutorial or similar & some douche found it & put it on Shiteam.

    You can make this thing in under 20 minutes if you never even touched Unreal Engine before.

  17. … *OH* ! I get it! Oh God this game! This game is a commentary on the triple A gaming industry! Think about it: No content, $100 micro-transaction, actually hold on. The game is called Integrity. And there’s no content. Integrity is empty. No integrity. This is fucking gold.

  18. This is a joke right, a satire to the current state of affairs in the game industry?? Or am I mistaken?

  19. Maybe it’s a metaphor for the state of the gaming industry. And if you’re stupid enough to buy this, you shouldn’t be allowed to live your life without a social worker

  20. Don’t worry Jim, some day you will find a noob game you can actually enjoy. If I finish my christmas game, it may be free.

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