In Development: Stukov, Skins, Sprays, and More!

The infestation spreads within the Nexus… Get a sneak peek at our newest Support Hero, Stukov, Infested Admiral, as well as some awesome new skins, sprays, and portraits (including arr Pirate themed items) making their way to the Nexus soon!

For information on Heroes of the Storm, visit the links below:


  1. Michał Ozdarski

    Where is Maiev Shadowsong?!

  2. New legendaries > recolours

  3. Wow just wow. Thats why I love Blizzard

  4. No new skins For Greymane. Dislike

  5. C’mon blizz we dont need the same skins with different colours, we need NEW skins you guys dont even remember about brightwing, the poor thing

  6. A welcome Comeback from hots! You’ve really been pumping the content since 2.0 and I can’t tell you how good it feels!

  7. Shark Dehaka skin in the near future??

  8. Philippe Marion

    Pirate event confirmed

  9. Rename the video “Stukov, recolors, sprays and more recolors” pls

  10. Bone Visage Xul.


  11. When are we going to have a FEMALE PROTOSS HERO?! I can’t believe this, seriously, its been 2 years and no sight of a DRAENEI, TAUREN, UNDEAD (non Scourge), GNOME, MEPHISTO, BAAL, ANDARIEL, etc.

    Its the same “popular” heroes that have released lately on the other games, nothing out of the ordinary.

    So disappointed.

  12. I am always appreciative of more content – but different colors of already released skins should not be highlighted in these videos. Show us NEW skins, please.

  13. I love all this new pirate stuff that they are adding. I hope it means a pirate hero is coming next. (Edwin Vancleef or Admiral Proudmoore plz)

  14. 0:59 Shark Dehaka skin? XD

  15. Just give us all chat already…

  16. I want Human Tyrael skin and Angel Malthael Skin!!!

  17. in devlopment: ”skins”… so you just give us no skins, but just recolors of old ones… Lazy work. (personally i dont care about sprays… hardly even see any1 usin’ them. But i guess you have to fill lootboxes with something)

  18. Alexander Aramaki

    I know we have ETC but I’m waiting on Cairne Bloodhoof himself!!!

  19. Could we get some more banners and announcers? Like banners for the Angels/Demons of Diablo, maybe the Crusader. Announcers like Tyrael, Uther, Raynor, Kerrigan and so on? Theres barely been any new announcers (Besides and Genji) and only like 1 new banner since Heroes 2.0 was released.

  20. More and more dissapointing… Quantity over quality, pitty…

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