I’m NEVER jumping into the POND again…

Use my Epic Games Creator Code (H2ODelirious)

Friends in Video:

Outtro song: By SpacemanChaos: https://apple.co/3K67gpC
#grounded #H2ODelirious #Delirious #cartoonz


  1. Shoutout to editorlirious for his amazing work in this channel!

  2. 4:08 America Moment

  3. Kudos to both of you guys for keeping the series alive.

  4. Another Underground video. Please make more!

  5. I have to applaud you for being such a good gamer, streamer and family man, you are one of the examples I show the world for what it means to be a good streamer for you seem to balance family and job life

  6. 7:22, Delirious getting scared by a koi-fish.

  7. my favorite Duo Cartoonz and Delirious more Grounded gameplay plss.

  8. 0:21 i thought it was delirous i was so mad bc i really dont want to see his face bc he made my childhood wearing that mask and it would be wierd seeing him.

  9. I SEE editorlirious evolved he started using a meme clips and pictures xD

  10. if you showed your face i would not care cuz you make amazing content

  11. “When I come back in a little while”
    *48 hours later*
    “I’m back”

  12. Delirious doctors curse on r6s is back

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