Horny Fighter – About As Sexy As A Bag Of Mince DTV

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Tero Lunkka is my favorite game developer. I think I’m becoming obsessed with their work. Anyway, this is Horny Fighter and it’s simultaneously the best and worst thing Lunkka’s ever made.

#TeroLunkka #JimSterling #DirectToVideo #Steam


  1. Nagatem LordLucemon

    Oh dear god, this is a boner killer not maker

  2. It is I who does not nut to that

  3. Keep fighting the good fight Jim! I’m with you through thick and thin!

  4. That horny fighter doesn’t even look like a human. Those shoulders oh gawd no

  5. OptimisticSociopath

    Steam quality control system is developed by the same people who were making Half-Life 3…

  6. Anyone remember Fallout 76 invisible power armor glitch? They just used broken model for inspiration.

  7. That is the best death animation I’ve ever seen.

  8. Damn, Mortal Kombat has really let itself go

  9. The concept of dying in a game and immediately T-posing into the sun is… so pure. I wish more developers had the Charlies to do that.

  10. Whoever made this girl in WWF Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth needs to sue these guys for using their model.

  11. emm theres no polygons on the bottom of the players feet
    3:11 this is the same thing as the feet. one sided shapes only get rendered from one side.
    the droopy face guys are probably becuase a bone in the mouth of the model doesnt work with the animation so the bone seems to default to the local (0,0,0) position

  12. Why does it walk as if it’s wearing high heels?

  13. The player model looks like as if it was made by someone that has never seen a human and the concept of how a human looks was described to him using only overcooked noodles.

  14. 0:24 did that dev claim that Jim’s videos weren’t “fair use” because they weren’t “fair”? How are people this dense…

  15. The horrendous character warping is almost certainly down to a hack job at animation retargetting. Retargetting is when you take a set of animations made for one character skeleton and convert them to work on a different character skeleton. The original skeleton clearly had MUCH wider shoulders and Tero Lunkka hasn’t bothered to shorten the bones down to compensate. Plus this model looks like it was originally meant to have high heels on and they were removed but the feet are still stuck in that position. Christ.

  16. When I die, I hope I t-pose and fly away

  17. On behalf of the whole nation of Finland I apologize for Tero Lunkka

  18. Those fingers are the stuff of nightmares. It is also pathetically obvious that the feet are wearing invisible high heels.

  19. “Stop covering my games or I”m going to do terrible things to you…
    …like make you play more of my games”

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