Hidden NES Golf game on Nintendo Switch. A tribute to Satoru Iwata.

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A hidden NES Golf game resides in the Nintendo Switch.
Not much is known currently about this mysterious piece of software left behind by Nintendo.
What we know is that it is most likely a tribute to the legendary Satoru Iwata, and his passing on July 11th, 2015.

We all owe this man great respect for what he has done for the gaming industry in his lifetime. Today’s gaming atmosphere may have been a very different place, was it not for his influence.

Enjoy this footage of the hidden NES Golf game, in honor of Mr. Iwata’s of Nintendo.

We miss you deeply. Thank you for all the good times and smiles you have brought to millions of lives.

More info about this hidden game can be found on GBATemp


  1. Could you imagine the shock of someone remembering the passing date of Iwata, making the gesture in front of console, and then the game starts all of a sudden!?

    Amazing tribute. Fantastic.

  2. This thing hit me DIRECTLY to my heart

  3. The last game Iwata worked on was Mario Maker iirc. he left us with mario maker so we could have fun making games like he did ;-;

  4. This was done in such a slow and painfully formal way it wound up pissing me off. You don’t have to move your arms like a robot.

    That said, neat secret.

  5. I’m very confused wtf is happening

  6. Good job hitting trending on YouTube . Iwata would of loved this if he was still with us

  7. This video is so stupid, thus guy changes the date and makes some stupid moves, why do you dont speak? Whats the problem too explain this..

  8. Eh, what? I don’t understand how I can do this???


  10. on my console it dont work 🙁

  11. free game behind a dance-wall

  12. He is the OA

  13. I like that Nintendo makes family-oriented products, as compared to the other companies.

  14. I just don’t buy it. Can’t get it to work and it’s too damn cryptic.

  15. Nice to see Iwata’s name trending on YouTube..

  16. Are you supposed to press any of the top shoulder buttons when you do this?

  17. it doesnt work to me.. i make thise stupid moves with the joy con’s since 10 min but it doesnt open the game

  18. Nintendo was so afraid of losing money that they put the shittiest fucking golf game in it rather than something that’s good, good on you Nintendo

  19. CarlThatDoesNotKillPeople

    Unfortunately wont work for me. Been at it for 15 minutes with 2 different sets of joy-cons doing my best interpretation of the gesture (and of course date set to 7/11) but no luck.

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