Gun Goddess Miss Fortune Skin Spotlight – Pre-Release – League of Legends

This is a teaser spotlight of new Ultimate Skin, Gun Goddess Miss Fortune with ingame gameplay!

Time Stamps For her Forms:
00:08 – Scarlet Fair
04:03 – Starswarm
07:49 – Royal Arms
11:46 – Zero Hour

Skin name is CONFIRMED as Gun Goddess Miss Fortune, particles & SFX may not be final.
Check out the other skins in this cycle.

Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which will go more indepth.

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  1. This what happens when you bought gunblade on Vi.

    I know they put a lot of work on animations and voice, but its the base model (mesh) that does not suit MF and looks like an abomination. I do not blame riot, but it just does not fit MF’s character. Mf who is like smooth and sleek roaming around with heavy machinery which looks clunky.I would choose arcade MF over this in a heartbeat. Its just my opinion 🙂

  3. You know, i wasn’t feeling the dance before. But now I’m kinda digging it.

  4. André Perez Segato

    I’m a MF main and even I have to admit this one was completely unnecessary. Miss Fortune already got the best three skin themes in League: Star Guardian, Pool Party and Arcade. I personally always use Arcade on her, but I’d still prefer to go Pool Party over this one if she didn’t have a Arcade skin.

  5. They Call Him Teemo

    Skin itself looks fine, but the variations are pretty much just chromas.

  6. It’s rather sad when Captain Fortune and Star Guardian are better than these 4 chromas.

  7. this is the most random ultimate skin ever made

  8. On the off chance somebody that can make important decisions reads this (and values what I have to say as well), I think this is a great skin.

    But I also -know- it can be better. Whether it was meant to be an ult skin or not; the dev team is clearly attempting to make it a (cheaper) one. And while I wholeheartedly agree that there are plenty of other champs that could use skin love — as much as I love collecting my Miss Fortune skins — I honestly think if you went back to design on this one, kept all the concepts for one form of this skin and at least touched base with what was done with elementalist lux in terms of VO, Effects, anims, etc people would willingly pay an even higher price for what was offered.

    We’re all aware other champs could use this more, but what I fear is that when the time comes when plenty of others have an ultimate skin, MF will be considered as having one despite its cheaper cost and, to put it frankly, having less work put into it (as Riot has shown they absolutely love one-upping their own ulti skin designs). Then MF won’t get an actually really rad ult skin or the community will have to wait for hers to get updated (which if the past is to serve as a precedent with Pulsefire Ezreal, won’t be happening).

    TL;DR speaking as a game designer myself I think allowing this skin idea more time to incubate whilst you focus on other champs that really do deserve a skin more will bring in not only more money to Riot per sale because you can charge more, but it will also generate more interest and respect in the long run.

  9. Riot, you guys should really fix this sorry of an ” Ultimate” Skin or no one is going to buy this junk. And this is coming from an MF main.

  10. Am I the only one who thinks her face looks wierd in the splash and her entire torso feels a bit more diagonal than it should be in the given view and perspective.

  11. I feel like this skin could potentially get canceled if it proves that no one is really satisfied with it. In my opinion it’s awful. Some of MF’s 1350rp skins (star guardian for example) are better than what ever this is supposed to be. Even if the price is reduced of this “ultimate” skin it still doesn’t make up for the fact that this skin offers nothing to be worth an ultimate skin outside the 4 given forms to choose from but even then, the forms offer almost nothing different from each other outside sound effects.

  12. Easy: Make this a legendary with special chromas and start development on an ultimate camille kled or renekton skin

  13. OH I KNOW! its RITO showing us how not to make ULTIMATE skin !

  14. This is a chroma… as a MF main, she deserve more quality and T H I C C-ness

  15. no idea how ppl think this is a bad ultimate skin, just look at pulsefire ez and udyr, all her projectile are different on each form and also the way she does her ult changes, also all the emotes and voice are different.

  16. It is legendary riot :/

  17. Udyr for jungle,Sona for support,Lux for mid lane,Ezreal for ADC then why another f***ing ADC ultimate skin again?Why there is no ultimate skin for top lane?(Note:This mf ultimate skin is really trash,bad work riot)

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